禾木木 发表于 2021-1-23 22:44:26



WGNB是一家总部位于韩国首尔的空间设计工作室,由三位年轻的创始人Jonghwan Baek、Jonghyeon Shin和Dohan Kim成立于2015年。WGNB以“同见异想”为口号,将日常生活中的各种灵感与空间设计相结合,力求创造一种全新的视角。
WGNB is a space design studio based in Seoul, South Korea. It was founded in 2015 by three young founders, Jonghwan Baek, Jonghyeon Shin and Dohan Kim. WGNB, with the slogan of "Think Different", combines various inspirations from daily life with space design, striving to create a new perspective.

Jonghwan Baek毕业于首尔KOOKMIN University的室内设计专业并获得硕士学位;Jonghyeon Shin毕业于韩国HANSEI University的室内设计专业,另外一位创始人Dohan Kim毕业于Kyung Nam University的室内设计专业。三位年轻的设计师一拍即合成为该工作室的核心领导力,他们拥有探索的先锋精神,其设计极具强烈个性及前卫的特点,融合了艺术、时尚及别具一格的设计视觉。
Jonghwan Baek graduated from Kookmin University in Seoul with a Master's degree in Interior Design. Jonghyeon Shin graduated from Hansei University with a degree in interior design, while another founder, Dohan Kim, graduated from Kyung Nam University with a degree in interior design. Three young designers have become the core leadership of the studio, they have a pioneering spirit of exploration, their design is very strong personality and avant-garde characteristics, a combination of art, fashion and unique design vision.

With a new perspective and flexible thinking, WGNB has redefined the design boundaries from architecture to furniture to product design. With this goal in mind, they tried to create a new experience by collaborating with different art genres. Today, WGNB seeks to shape the basic interactions in spatial stories through the study of context, form, function, structure, detail and materials.

shangjinhong 发表于 2021-1-24 23:10:34


火星包 发表于 2021-1-25 09:54:30


dahn 发表于 2021-1-25 11:32:08


薇薇子薇薇 发表于 2021-1-28 10:34:06


lxw0001 发表于 2021-6-24 15:21:37

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