禾木木 发表于 2021-1-22 20:34:55

Bone Studio--迪拜侘寂的初见

Bone Studio是一家总部设在阿联酋迪拜的室内设计工作室,由创始人Natalie Mahakian成立。工作室将自己定义为:“一个多学科的游牧工作室”,他们策划了该地区新一代的酒店和住宅项目。自2018年初成立以来,Bone Studio一直是一个双人工作室,但两人更喜欢保持隐形,让他们的工作本身得到认可。
Bone Studio is an interior design Studio based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, founded by founder Natalie Mahakian and another partner. The studio, which defines itself as "a multidisciplinary nomadic studio", has curated a new generation of hotel and residential projects in the region. Bone Studio has been a two-man Studio since it was founded in early 2018, but the duo prefer to remain invisible and have their work acknowledged for itself.

创始人Natalie Mahakian于2014年毕业于迪拜的American University的室内设计专业。她是一位热情洋溢、充满活力的年轻设计师,并且是一个出色的梦想家,她设计精美,展现出色的定量技能,并且在家具设计上大为改观。Natalie的座右铭是如何关心地球母亲。
Founder Natalie Mahakian graduated from American University in Dubai in 2014 with a degree in interior design. She is an enthusiastic, energetic young designer and a brilliant visionary who designs beautifully, displays excellent quantitative skills, and makes a big difference in furniture design. Natalie's motto is how to care for Mother Earth.

在阿联酋,Bone Studio的项目中普遍存在着一种强烈的协作感,客户变成了家庭,工匠变成了教师。Bone的兴趣在于接近每个项目,旨在面对形式寻找和社交互动,以提供与众不同的东西。该方法允许这些空间适应,增加,减少甚至改变其程序或活动,而不会影响社会动态或构建。结果让他们在整个阿联酋的项目越来越多。
There is a strong sense of collaboration prevalent in Bone Studio's projects in the UAE, where clients become families and craftsmen become teachers. Bone's interest is in approaching every project, aiming to face form seeking and social interaction to offer something different. This approach allows these Spaces to adapt, increase, decrease, or even change their programs or activities without affecting social dynamics or constructs. As a result, they have more and more projects throughout the UAE.

Bone Studio从拒绝所有传统的设计刻板印象开始,自由地探索,系统地研究设计的每一个理论和有形的方面。这种方法打破了预期和感知的功能,因为Bone Studio设计了新的空间,可以在功能上和美学上服务于不同的目的——重新诠释了公共空间的定义方式。
Bone Studio begins by rejecting all traditional design stereotypes and is free to explore and systematically study every theoretical and tangible aspect of design. This approach breaks down the function of anticipation and perception, as Bone Studio designs new Spaces that can serve different purposes, both functionally and aesthetically -- reinterpreting the way public space is defined.

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