yyz2015 发表于 2021-1-11 11:09:52




本案是进口艺术涂料的集合展厅,设计师为了展现出不同品牌、不同材质艺术涂料的特性,利用自然光还原出涂料最真实的质感和色彩,光影的导入构建成自然、韵律的流动空间也给了商业动线的构建产层次变化。This case is a collection exhibition hall of imported art coatings. In order to show the characteristics of different brands and materials of art coatings, the designers use natural light to restore the most real texture and color of coatings. The introduction of light and shadow creates a natural and rhythmic flow space, which also gives changes to the construction level of commercial lines.

背墙嵌入半透明的磨砂玻璃,增加了空间的通透性,又与涂料的自然肌理交相呼应。深浅不一的灰白色墙面、或悬空或伫立的几何形摆件……在黑白灰明度变换、立方体球体碰撞、金属色暗色变迁、光面磨砂交融之中,更好的展现了不同品牌和不同涂料最纯粹的面貌。Feeling pureWe love simple and pure texture and style. The design breaks the traditional model of exhibition hall, chooses the way of building space and atmosphere with products, more directly interprets the concept of products and shows the charm of products. Stepping into the exhibition hall, you can see the white art paint, reflecting the bright and open front desk. Through the treatment of the black wall line, the geometric structure of the wall is extended, and the ornament is added in the purity.The back wall is embedded with translucent frosted glass, which increases the permeability of the space and echoes with the natural texture of the coating. Grey walls of different shades, or suspended or standing geometric ornaments In the blending of black-and-white gray lightness transformation, cube sphere collision, metal dark color change, smooth surface and frosting, it better shows the purest appearance of different brands and different coatings.

感受自然艺术涂料需要与水相融合,用独特的艺术手法表现自己独特的肌理质感。为了最大程度的呈现艺术涂料最饱和的状态,我们采用了各种小细节,利用最接近自然的光源来表现,精心为涂料与空间设计创造一个无与伦比的对话环境。看到的是光,看不到的是裂缝。家具错落有致的排列, 在审美上给人一种异轨,如美术馆一样的展厅,更好的烘托产品的艺术性与品质的同时强调材料本身与空间的高度融合。我们明明在同一个空间里,又好像身处不同时空,思索不同事物。Feel natureArtistic coatings need to be integrated with water, and express their unique texture with unique artistic techniques. In order to present the most saturated state of art coatings to the greatest extent, we have adopted various small details and used the light source closest to nature to create an incomparable dialogue environment for coatings and space design.What you see is light, what you don't see is cracks. The arrangement of furniture in an orderly way gives people a different aesthetic track. The exhibition hall like an art museum can better set off the artistry and quality of products, and at the same time emphasize the high integration of material itself and space. We are clearly in the same space, and it seems that we are in different time and space, thinking about different things.

感受流动我们将空间的流畅性和艺术涂料的展现相辅相成。作为空间的重点,我们希望艺术涂料能够自由的穿梭在各个场景中,动静结合,让体验者真切感受到惊喜、好奇。 空间本身是一个容器,而我们试图去探索手工涂料本身的表情,在平静的空间中感受时间的启发,先关注空间与产品在空间中质感的魅力再去解读产品本身。
展厅空间体量和立面造型简洁。不规则的线条、装饰互相交织、分离,散而聚的矛盾体构成了一个自由开放的几何平面,形成自由、流动的空间。Feel the flowWe complement the fluency of space with the display of art paint. As the focus of space, we hope that the art paint can freely shuttle in various scenes, combining the dynamic and static, so that the experiencer can really feel the surprise and curiosity. Space itself is a container, and we try to explore the expression of hand-made paint itself, feel the inspiration of time in a calm space, first pay attention to the charm of space and product texture in space, and then interpret the product itself.The space volume and facade of the exhibition hall are simple. The irregular lines and decorations interweave and separate with each other, and the scattered and gathered contradictions form a free and open geometric plane, forming a free and flowing space.

我们整个设计打造了在自主感受之中体味产品的氛围,由空间规划与装置陈列来区别于其他传统的产品展示方式,让访客在参观过程中直接与产品对话,让访客自主自然的完成对设计、对产品对探索、感知、对话、选择。Our whole design creates an atmosphere of appreciating products in the process of independent experience, which is different from other traditional product display methods by space planning and device display, so that visitors can have a direct dialogue with the products during the visit, and let visitors independently and naturally complete the design, exploration, perception, dialogue and selection of products.

项目名称 | 进口艺术涂料展厅项目面积 | 350平米主要材料 | 水性涂料、艺术漆、微水泥空间设计 | 杭州黎水仁佳设计公司软装设计 | 杭州黎水仁佳设计公司主案设计 | 叶永志

叶永志 杭州黎水仁佳设计品牌创始人|总设计师杭州拓者设计品牌创始人|创意总监黎水仁佳由知名设计师叶永志创建, 公司总部在杭州,在丽水、龙泉设立了全案设计公司。作为全国知名的设计公司在完成多元化 的室内设计服务之外, 成立『WHEATFIELD艺术软装』公司,致力为高端审美诉求人 群做高定个性空间设计,主张设计气质的多变及创新,在北京、上海、重庆、广州及江浙 等全国多地完成了众多私人别墅府邸及样板间设计项目。

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