If you ask me, how should people live their lives?我说,就顺着自然所给的本性活着I say, live according to the nature that nature gives you像草木虫鱼一样。 as plants, insects, and fish.
空间重塑了特别的体验情境,以“森林”为载体,以“自然”为主线,以故事为依托,将空间划分为五大区域,借助象征保护、治愈、能量和生命力的丛林精灵引路,带领人们开启一场置身森林剧场的穿越之旅,找寻并最终到达奇境,获得治愈。Space reshapes a special experience path. With "forest" as the carrier, nature as the main line, and stories as the basis, the space is divided into five regions. With the help of the jungle elves, which symbolize protection, healing, energy and vitality, the space is divided into five regions, leading people to start a journey through the forest theater, seeking and finally reaching the wonderland and getting cured.
在沙土弥漫的未来城市里,行色匆匆的过路人Ryan,突然被眼前一片绿洲所吸引,久违的丛林,温暖的阳光,舒适而放松的色彩,带着治愈迎面扑来。In the sand filled future city, the passer-by, Ryan, is suddenly attracted by an oasis in front of him. The long lost jungle, warm sunshine, comfortable and relaxed colors rush forward with healing.
接待区-Reception area
循序而入,品牌区跳脱出传统意义上对空间的分隔方式,通过立面上大小、高低不等的弧形开洞,打破了空间的边界,使人在空间中相互对望,形成多方位的视觉交流。By pushing the door, the reception area jumps out of the traditional way of separating the space. Through the arc-shaped openings of different sizes and heights on the facade, it breaks the boundary of the space and makes people look at each other in the space, forming a multi-directional visual communication.
品牌展示区-Brand exhibition area
旷野里自在的风,抬头即看到茂盛的树,Ryan开始期待归返自我,与自然共生。When the wind in the wilderness is at ease, he looks up to see the lush trees. Ryan begins to look forward to returning to himself and coexisting with nature.
穿过拱洞,像是走进了一个神秘的森林世界。将在梦幻森林中行走的鹿精灵融入设计,空间上延续弧形元素,形成开放与围合交互的连续空间。Ryan漫步在丛林中,绿植环绕,“我听见回声,来自山谷和心间。”风吹来,几片飘逝的落叶在空中飞舞,仰望,鹿精灵在与落叶低语呢喃。Through the arch hole, it is like walking into a mysterious forest world. The deer spirit walking in the dream forest is integrated into the design, and the arc elements are continued in space to form a continuous space with open and enclosed interaction. Ryan walks through the jungle, surrounded by green plants. "I hear the echo, from the valley and the heart." When the wind blows, a few fallen leaves are flying in the air. Looking up, the deer spirits are whispering with the fallen leaves.
沙盘区-Sand table area
一杯咖啡一本书,坐在林间看云卷云舒,光影流动,灵动的线条仿佛漂浮的流云,直抵灵魂最深处。Ryan倚靠在窗边,遥想自己置身于最安静的湖边。“等到风景都看透,也许会陪我看细水长流。”A cup of coffee, a book, sitting in the forest to see clouds rolling, light and shadow flow, flexible lines like floating clouds, reaching the deepest soul. Ryan leaned against the window, thinking that he was in the quietest lake. "When the scenery is clear, maybe he will accompany me to see the long stream."
浅洽区-Negotiation area
未知世界的神秘引发好奇,创造一个已知世界到未知世界的新奇体验,一个能唤起强烈探索欲的想象空间。时光在走,往事弥留。Ryan循着孩童的欢笑声,重温人生若只如初见的美好,听着孩子们欢闹的笑声,唤起长大后的你内心的纯粹,美好。The mystery of the unknown world arouses curiosity, creating a novel experience from the known world to the unknown world, and an imagination space that can arouse a strong desire for exploration. As time goes by, the past remains. Following the sound of children's laughter, Ryan revisits life. If it is just like the first time you see it, listen to the children's laughter, and arouse the purity and beauty of your heart when you grow up.
深洽区-Negotiation area
随想世界,是已知的也是未知的。The random world is known and unknown.
△概念演化图,Concept evolution map
△空间分析图,Spatial analysis
△平面布置图,Layout plan
项目名称 | 康桥未来公元售楼部设计机构 | 励时设计
设计总监 | 钟凌云
设计主创 | 任杰、郭总超、孙磊
硬装团队 | 刘志铭、周理杰、张秋石、常江明、董培青、刘玉惠、李兴鹏
材料团队 | 李永强、李昂
项目地点 | 河南郑州
项目面积 | 900㎡
主要材料 | 木纹膜、无机石、不锈钢金属板、夹胶玻璃、铝格栅
设计时间 | 2019.04
竣工时间 | 2020.10
摄 影 | 如初商业摄影 张琳、耿旭姗
编 辑 | 白雪、张梦薇
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