MIRROR DESIGN | 述相于间,由绪而发
主创设计/ 兰斯Design Director: lance项目地址/ 温州.瑞安Project address/ Wenzhou Ryan项目面积/ 185㎡Project area/ 185㎡设计机构/ 境象设计师事务所Design Team/ MIRROR DESIGN FIRM
对于空间的氛围情绪表达,更倾向是伴随切实的有反向思考。转而到对内部的多重验证及往复,让其呈现的更具可推敲性及多向的考究。For the expression of the mood of the space, it is more likely to be accompanied by practical thinking in the opposite direction. To the internal multiple validation and back and forth, so that the presentation of a more sophisticated and multi-directional research.
常态关注的背后,加强对于生活层次的深入和再剖析,由日常作为切入点,来作为空间及理念传达的基点。Behind the normal focus, to strengthen the level of life in-depth and re-analysis, from the daily as a cut-in point, to as a space and the concept of the basic point of communication.
尝试重新定义单向区位的功能,让其更具交流和互动性,也可以更好的感受空间给予日常的不同体验方式。Try to redefine the function of one-way location to make it more communicative and interactive, as well as better to feel the space giving a different way of everyday experience.
试图通过贯彻空间的多维面貌来反映和诉说日常,重拾被定义的情感建立和发现,在空间中去融合记录的生活轨迹,把更多反馈后的体验值带到日常的累积过程中。Try to reflect and tell the daily life through the multi-dimensional face of the space, rediscover the defined emotion, merge the recorded life track in the space, and bring more experience value after feedback to the daily accumulation process.
在保证细分功能的前提,优化空间界面,让相邻的区间建立更多的互动关系,来强化日常带给居住者的心绪变化。In the premise of ensuring subdivision function, optimizing the spatial interface, so that the adjacent areas to establish more interactive relations to strengthen the daily bring to the residents of mood changes.
让空间来自我叙述所要兼容的情绪和动向,不止在于其所塑造的过程,导向的延续也更容易引起思考和共鸣。Allowing space to self-narrate compatible emotions and movements is not only about the process it shapes, but also about the continuation of the orientation that is more likely to lead to reflection and resonance.
结合居住者的情绪体验,转而到对空间的呈象思量,对生活的深切关注,慢慢到对所处空间的反向思考,再结合内心的情境,述演其常态。Combined with the emotional experience of the occupants, they turn to thinking about the space, paying close attention to the life, slowly to thinking about the space in the opposite direction, and then combine the inner situation to describe their normal state.
思考空间所停留的印迹,用日常来叙述其所要对外表达的隐晖。摒弃过多的设计语言传送,让常态作为引导,来梳理空间与间隔所发生的更多可能性,突破最初的框架也打破其固有的生活面貌。Think about the impression of space to stay, with the daily to describe the external expression of the hidden light. Abandon too much design language transmission, let the normal as a guide, to comb space and space to occur more possibilities, break the original framework also break its inherent life appearance.
境象创始合伙人/主创设计师 /兰斯
关于 | 境象
内境外象--探索于内外之间,通过建筑的思维去梳理空间与间隔之间的关系。在多空间场景的切换中、不断的探索和实践强化变量的认知,对外试图呈现我们自己独到的美学视角,赋予空间多重意义上的诉求。在满足物质条件的同时,力求对精神层次的满足,理性伴随感性的继续,打破传统的生活方式和根深蒂固的思维。 欢迎行业内朋友交流分享,待明年实景再呈现。:D:D 支持达人室内设计网 支持达人设计网很细节的设计 学习 学习 感谢分享~ 干净纯粹,喜欢,期待落地效果
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