大观建筑设计--金茂资本上地J SPACE
以下作品图文由大观建筑设计供稿并授权发布!北京/西二旗,中国互联网的宇宙中心。Beijing/ Xierqi. 在这个宇宙的中心,高学历高技术高追求的科技精英们正在用一行行的代码影响着时代的发展,作为设计师我们无法改变996,但是我们可以创造一个酷炫的办公空间,让办公回归酷的属性。因此我们将科幻造园植入办公空间,营造一个前所未见的异次元办公空间,在这个空间所有的功能都与造景结合,给使用者一个场景感极强的沉浸式科幻办公体验。
我们将这个场景设定为关于平行时空的穿越故事以此来致敬汲取灵感的《2001:太空漫游》,以走入异次元空间的每一帧画面串连每一个重要的空间:The pursuit of the elite of science and technology affects the development of our current era. we can't change the lifestyles of 996 (996 indicates an order made by higher levels towards employees. Working from 9 am to 9 pm, 6 days per week.) We bring multidimensional space and botanical garden to collide into one special office space, by giving the user a scene which they can receive a strong feeling of immersion into the scientific experiences themselves. We set the scene of how parallel space passes through times which to pay the tribute to the movie - 2001: a space Odyssey. In order to connect each of the interior spaces into chapters when we enter the dimensions.
第一章:人类的登场 / Ascent of Man2020年,一个发亮的盒子穿越平行宇宙从夜空降临,消失在北京市海淀区西二旗大街39号楼…In the year 2020, a luminous box descended from the night sky through a parallel universe and disappeared in Building 39, Xierqi Street, Haidian District, Beijing...
第二章:穿越星之门 / Through the Star Gate、他披着普通建筑的外衣,无意中打开他的大门,穿过微缩的黑洞隧道,就闯入了异次元空间。在这里空间似乎是无限的,一切可能会发生的事情必然会发生,就此我们开始一场异次元空间之旅。An ordinary building, but while we opened the door by accident and entered the multidimensional space through the tunnel of the black hole. The space seems infinite, which anything can happen here. Finally, let us begin a journey into the multidimensions.
▼星之门 / Building entrance
▼黑洞隧道 / The tunnel
第三章:进入眼睛 / Into the Eye隧道之门打开,失落文明的遗迹中露出异次元之眼。你在注视着他,他也在注视着你,无限的延长,不断的掉落,穿越宇宙的中央站。When the door opens, revealing the eye of the multidimensional space from a lost civilization. The tunnel extends and falls endlessly through the center of the universe.
▼异次元之眼 / The eye of infinity
第四章:孤寂 / Alone1:4:9 的精准比例,可想而知在地球之外,早就有外星智慧生命,这面尘封已久的孤寂山谷和钻石切割的黄金穿梭梯坚不可摧,创造者十分强大。The precise ratio of 1:4:9 can be imagined that there are already extraterrestrial intelligent lives outside in the universe. The creator of the structure is indeed very powerful, as both of the lonely valley and the golden stairwells are indestructible like diamonds.
▼孤寂山谷裂开的石缝 / The cracked stones of the lonely valley
▼黄金穿梭梯 / The Golden stairwells
▼站在平行宇宙的中心点 / Standing at the center of the parallel universe
第五章:真空之中 /In Vacuum真空是我们的采光中庭,中庭的每一个楼层都可以注视孤寂山谷和黄金穿梭梯,而黄金穿梭梯在真空之中担当着运输的工作,可以到达你想去的任何地方。“The vacuum” is filled in the building atrium, you can watch over both of the lonely valley and the golden stairwells at any level. The golden stairwells acting as a transportation vehicle that can send you to any places you want to go to.
▼注视真空之中 / Watch in a “vacuum”
▼阳光与黄金穿梭梯 / Sunrays and the Golden stairwells
第六章:巡航模式 /Cruise Mode
正式入驻此空间站,异次元接待的工作人员将带给你一个前所未有的服务感受及体验。正如智慧大脑的储藏库一般,里面内置的内存条在考量人类健康问题与空间环境的关系并更具有针对性调整适宜人类的环境系统。 We entered into the space station, the multidimensional reception staff will bring you a service that you have never experienced before. Just like the brain of the artificial intelligence, the memory strip is built in to balance up the relationship between the lifestyle of mankind and the space environments to find the best environmental system which suits the human beings.
▼ 真空之外注视异次元接待站 / “The vacuum” in multidimensional reception station
▼ 异次元接待站 / Multidimensional reception station
▼ 打破原有封闭空间 / Breaking down the original enclosed space
▼ 异次元多功能空间 / Multidimensional function space
第七章:神奇的房间 / The Room异次元空间里神奇的房间,不断上演着关于穿越文明会议,你可以坐在原地等待什么事发生,也可以打开舱门,走到外面去向周围的现实挑战。There are constant meetings about traveling through the civilizations where you can either watch for things to happen next or open up the hatch and meet the challenges in reality around you.
▼ 洁净的走廊 / The corridor
▼ 会议室外景 / Exterior view of the conference room
▼ 秘密的会议在不断地上演 / Secret meetings were going on constantly
第八章:“知的需求”/ “ Need to Know ”异次元空间的能量补给中枢。圆的造型模拟异次元之眼,在无形中给予内置储存能量。This is the energy supply center in multidimensional spaces. The shape of the circle simulates the eye of different dimensions, imperceptibly giving it built-in energy storage.
▼ 异次元空间水吧补给站 /Multidimensional supply station
▼ 黑胶等候区 / The vinyl waiting area.
第九章:秘密 / The Secret在这个异次元空间的隐蔽的角落,散布着关于穿越文明秘密的信息,破译这些信息就有可能发现异次元的秘密。In the hidden corner, information about the secrets of civilization was scattered everywhere. By deciphering this information, we can discover the secret in the multidimensions.
▼眼前的一切都有可能是虚幻 / Everything in front of you can be unreal.
▼ 太空舱洽谈间 / The capsule conference room
第十章:异空 / The Alien Sky脱离地心引力而漂浮存在的异次元空间悬浮山岩使人强烈的感觉到周围的景色会突然消失。The rocks in multidimensions float free in gravity, giving a strong feeling of the surrounding landscape that will disappear in a sudden.
▼ 电梯厅景观反射与镜像 / Reflection and the mirror image
▼ 悬浮山岩在阳光的沐浴下/ The rock which bathed in sunlight
结语 / Epilogue.如何定义自己以及他人便为此旅程的一大设计要素,我们把空间的使用者定义为未知时空的漫步者,他们既是使用者又是探索者,极尽可能提供能令他们消化一切障碍和不良情绪的环境,让办公回归于酷的属性,每天的工作都成为一项新发现。The main design element of this journey is to find out how to define ourselves and others. The users are the space-walkers in this unknown space. They are defined as both users and explorers. We provide a space where they can digest off all obstacles and downs. Let the daily working experiences become a new discovery in a LIT office space.
▼ 建筑剖面图 / Section
▼ 特殊要素物件图 /The Objects
▼ 一层平面图 / First Level Floor Plan
▼二三层平面图 / Second and Third Level Floor Plan
▼ 四层平面图 / Fourth Level Floor Plan
项目信息项目名称:金茂资本 上地J SPACE 设计公司:北京大观建筑设计
项目地址:北京市海淀区西二旗大街39号设计公司:DAGA Architects大观建筑设计
设计团队:任晓伟、许云飞、尹爱黎、余小雨、张志婷、曾怡君项目面积:4427㎡项目摄影:刘羽、闫瑞琪 支持达人设计网
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