ZXD-WYH 发表于 2020-9-2 17:36:02

【首发】正象设计--ZXD&GZ OFFICE

创意支点Pivot of Creation

阿基米德曾说过:“给我一个支点,我就能撬起整个地球。”创意亦然,四两拨千斤,好的创意可以让一个空间的价值实现几何级倍增。Archimedes once said :" Give me apivot, I can prize up the earth." This is the same to creation. Good ideascan double the value of a space.

Between gray and black, a touch oforange-yellow will become the finishing touch, be active, be the pivot ofcreation, or be the inspiration source. It will also be the soul of the space.

爱马仕橙与生俱来的高级感,赋予了原本单一的办公空间以层次与格调,而暖色调的装点又平添几许温度,于冷静严肃中生出亲切感……Herm è s Orange is born with a sense ofhigh quality, and giving the single office space to gradation and style, whilethe warm tone of the decoration adds a few warm and sweet feeling, create asense of affinity in calm and serious…

门廊处,以光为笔,勾勒出流动的入户门径,引人入胜。At the porch, the light as a pen, outlinesthe flowing door path, fascinating.

入门目之所及,高级灰基调里,吧台背景墙熟悉的爱马仕橙跃然眼前。会客区采用下沉式设计,营造出核心区聚拢式的沉浸体验。After the hall door, as the eyes can see, advancedgray-based tone, bar background wall, and popular Hermè s orange in front ofyour eyes. The reception area adopts sinking design to create a core area ofimmersion experience.

吧台处望过去,橙色支点装置藏于一隅,俏皮而恰好,将规整的几何空间打破,让气氛变得活泼。Lookingthrough the bar, the orange pivot device is hidden in a corner, cute and fit like aglove, breaking the stuffy space and making the atmosphere lively.

呼应会客区,吧台通道进行了抬升设计,使整体空间呈现起伏与变化。拾级而上通往总监办公室。廊道之上,波纹板天花营造出波光粼粼的水倒影效果,与壁炉腾起的火焰辉映成趣。Echoing the reception area, the bar channel is designed to makethe whole space fluctuate and change. Pick up the steps to the director'soffice. Above the corridor, the corrugated ceiling creates a sparkling waterreflection effect, reflecting the flame of the fireplace.

总监办公室沿用主体灰调的极简设计,散发出理性、包容与思考。橙色支点装置的存在则代表着颠覆、创造和特立独行……The director's office uses theminimalist design of the main gray tone, emitting reason, tolerance and thinking.The existence of orange pivot represents overturn, creation and maverick.

项目名称/projectname:ZXD&GZ OFFICE设计机构/Company:ZXD/正象设计联系邮箱/E-mail:68751735@QQ.com联系电话/Phone:13929488088总设计师/General Designer:魏宜辉设计团队/TEAM:ZXD/正象设计施工团队/Construction team:国筑工程项目地点/Project Adress:广东省东莞市项目面积/Project Area:200平方主要材料/Main material:艺术涂料、玻璃、钛金设计时间/Design time:2020年3月竣工时间/Finishing time:2020年8月摄影/Photo:欧阳云



562453258 发表于 2020-9-3 08:38:36


°Design 发表于 2020-9-3 08:49:33


DAVID曹 发表于 2020-9-3 09:03:28


巴巴罗姆 发表于 2020-9-3 09:41:36


日享攵 发表于 2020-9-3 10:02:28


nan楠木子 发表于 2020-9-3 10:40:53


Miffy123 发表于 2020-9-3 11:10:41

感谢分享 感谢达人设计

陈再鹰 发表于 2020-9-3 15:50:48


我是徐立啊 发表于 2020-9-3 16:02:18

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