沃纳迪家居 发表于 2020-7-9 16:23:23


InsummerWith therestlessness of sultry, the cicadas chirpEverywhere isfull ofGraduation leave and entranceexpectationThe tension ofexaminations arefollowing with the leisureof holidaysParting andgatheringSorrow and joyAre overlaid a unique color with summertimeIt’s beautiful andgorgeousVigorous andyouthful

▲ 电影《菊次郎的夏天》Movie"kijiro's summer"

01.假 日Holidays

本案位于莫干山山脚下的劳岭村进入村落时会经过并列的杉树林杉树两边是大片大片的茶园寻着茶路拐两个弯是我们的---秋田布谷亲子民宿 This building is located in villagecalld Laoling, at the foot of Mogan mountain.when we enter the village, we will drivethrough a boulevard of firs,Over the firs,there are immerse tea fields.To arrive the destination, we'll taketwo turns on the tea road.---Akita Bugu homestay for parents andchildren

▲ 远景图 Panoramas

When we started the design of phase IIof Akita Bugu, the overall design concept and business direction had been positionedas parent-child Theme B & B.
At thattime, President Akita proposed that phase II was to provide enough standardrooms as the main guest room layout, so as to meet the increasing demand ofroom in peak time. At the same time, we took consider the possible demand ofblock-booking for a series of youth activities, such as team-building orwedding. Therefore, we think phase II can focus on the theme of growth andyouth, joint with the topic of children‘s interest of phase I, to complete a growth story. That’s how we launch our later design.

▲总平面图 General layout

While we continues the concept of thephase I, this building adopts the shape of cuckoo bird house. The buildings ofboth phase are surrounded by the tall trees in the yard, dialogue with eachother. Combined with the curve of the phase I moving line, the triangularcirculation of the landscape is then set up. Meanwhile it shapes the wholeQiutian Bugu courtyard a clover shape which represents luck.

The southwest and the south side ofphase II building have best views. Box A faces the southwest and has a dialoguewith the courtyard,and it may promote the communication between man and nature.We want Box A stand behind the tree in a seemingly light gesture, to look likelive on the tree gracefully. The bottom of the cantilever naturally forms agray space, and the indoor and outdoor boundaries are blurred.

▲ 建筑空间演变图 Buildingvolume evolution

▲ 空间功能轴侧图

将二期的出入口设在盒子A的悬挑下部的灰空间内。The entrance and exit of phase II islocated in the gray space created by the overhang of box A.

Facing the swimming pool, there is a teagarden outside the wall in the south side. We should balance the nature light,ventilation, privacy and insulation at the same time.As a result, the landscape view is reservedfor the guest room area, assembled in Box B , and most of them are facing thesouth. The sunshine book bar is used as the connection between Box B and Ainstead of general corridor to reduce the traffic area and increase theutilization rate of the whole second floor space. At the same time, it becomesthe North-South ventilated gray space in the guest room area, so that thebuilding itself has breathing, concession, and emptiness.

According to psychologist Erikson,people have to go through eight stages of psychosocial evolution, which becomespsychosocial development. These stages include four stages of childhood, onestage of adolescence and three stages of adulthood. Each stage has the tasksthat these stages should complete, and each stage is based on the previousstage, and the eight stages are closely linked.


In the design of the interior space ofphase II, we try to refine the theme of parent-child in phase I to the theme ofyouth growth, then examination paper that everyone experiences are chose to useas visual guidance literally.

Theexamination paper flying all over the sky with the summer breeze. Some of themfell in front of a room, then recognized as the door number with a classnumber.


The stairwellis connected with red bricks to let the space flow up and down.Theexamination paper forms a spiral and upward guiding line, traces the track of ourgrowth


一整个暑假赖在游戏机厅的日子一去不返,一起打游戏的朋友犹在眼前。A whole summer vacation spent in thevideo game hall is gone forever. The faces of friends playing games are blurredas well.

窗景之外,我们考虑如何实现房间的自身价值。Beyond thewindow view, we consider how to realize the value of the room itself.

房间局部的墙面铺贴了四格漫画,那个年代历历在目。The wall ofthe room is covered with four caricatures partially, the past years are stillvivid.

▲ 建筑南立面图Southelevation of the building

▲ 建筑西立面图 West elevationof the building

▲ 1F平面图1F floor plan

▲ 2F平面图 2F floor plan

▲ 3F平面图3F floor plan


如果说秋田布谷一期,刻画了“孩子们”的童话梦境,守护着纯真的童心,那么二期,承载着“大人们”的成长回忆,见证着美好的青春。把承载记忆的种种收集在这里,回到内心最初的地方...... If say the Akita Bugu phase I depictsthe fairy tale dreams of "children" and guards the innocence ofchildren,Thephase II collects growth memories of "adults" ,witness the beautifulyouth.Memorypieces of growth are collected and displayed, it helps us to recall thebeginner’s mind.

愿你出走半生,归来仍是少年Years canwrinkle our skin, but never wrinkle our soul.

项目名称:秋田布谷二期项目地址:德清莫干山委托方:秋田布谷项目设计:无垠设计研究室设计主创:陈善武设计团队:刘益村 陈凯琪 金马陈设设计:叶阳阳陈善武项目施工:德清佳诚装饰项目摄影:瀚默视觉-叶松项目周期:2019年1月-2020年1月项目面积:600平米主要用材:艺术涂料,水磨石,陶土红砖,杜邦纸




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