言昱设计新作 | Noer皮肤管理
Noer皮肤管理中心—寻求日常生活的和谐与平衡,为女士营造独一无二的放松体验 ,唤起潜层的身体记忆。Noer skin Management Center seeks harmony and balance in daily life, creates a unique relaxation experience for women, and evokes the memory of the underlying body.
一个有着流动之美,一个有着凝固之美 | 克制而极致One has the beauty of flow, one has the beauty of solidification Restraint and perfection
01.空间&构想Space & conception
本项目旨在建立共享化&融合型空间,打破单一业态或品类,并通过创意运营,视觉管理,互动体验,线上交流等增强客户体验。定位于为高端客户打造私人定制的贴身美容美体解决方案。The purpose of this project is to establish a shared & integrated space, break a single business form or category, and enhance customer experience through creative operation, visual management, interactive experience, online communication, etc. It is positioned to create personal customized beauty and body solutions for high-end customers.
我们希望将改造后的空间做的简单一点、通透一点、明亮一点、快乐一点,素雅空间内体现一种柔美自信的张力。We hope to make the transformed space simple, transparent, bright and happy. The simple and elegant space reflects a kind of gentle and confident tension.
设计师笔记Designer notes
项目前期,我们带着环境与人、空间情感、人与空间的深度交流作为线索思考空间。叙述一个故事, 可视语言,去体验一种自然本源的生命力。In the early stage of the project, we take the deep communication of environment and people, space emotion and people and space as the clue thinking space. Narrate a story, visual language, to experience the vitality of a natural origin.
We hope to create a space for people, let customers from one of the most prosperous business areas into the store immediately switch to another state, wake up all sensory perception. From the form, material and fragrance, it brings the visitors the actual experience of the essence and value of the brand. Take a deep breath and you'll enter a slow-paced state of mind.
— — 任虹霏 Tamsin
02.Noer&一层接待空间Noer & Reception space on the first floor
言昱的使命是将空间营造独一无二的放松体验。以慢生活与健康为理念,室内充满了平和而标志性的形态元素。Yan Yu's mission is to create a unique relaxation experience in the space. With the concept of slow life and health, the interior is full of peaceful and symbolic form elements.
△一层空间轴测图△ first floor space axonometric drawing
胚芽是事物的根本,这是言昱一直强调的设计本体,它更像一个种子。我们试想以未来作为背景,创造一种大众都可以接纳并想象的方式。在言昱一系列叙事性空间的实践中,我们坚信:好空间是可以撰写出来。The germ is the foundation of things, which is the design noumenon that Yan Yu has always emphasized. It is more like a seed. Let's think of the future as the background to create a way that the public can accept and imagine. In Yan Yu's practice of a series of narrative spaces, we firmly believe that good spaces can be written.
在这里,它像一颗糖果。Here, it's like a candy.
In order to ensure that this design vision can penetrate into every design element, in order to best simulate this psychological state and provide a peaceful environment, we consciously use the simplest materials to focus rather than over stimulate people's consciousness.
The main materials used in the interior are wood veneer and stone. The simple and concise lines used in the exhibition area and the soft lines used in the rest area create a scene full of affinity for customers and lead them into a leisure state.
△方案设计手稿 △ scheme design manuscript
In fact, there is no way to have a standard for design. The most important thing is to carefully understand. In the space design, try to be warm and meticulous. At the same time, give them a certain imagination space. Every element in the space has been studied and traced in detail.
03.Noer&二层spa空间Noer & two level spa space
△二层空间轴测图△ second floor space axonometric drawing
The staircase in the space becomes a boundary, and a transition area for planning open / private, fast / slow, convalescent / spa space.
△方案设计手稿 △ scheme design manuscript
Through the repetition of formal language, people's impression of brand is deepened and visual memory is strengthened. This is also the strategy of the overall brand image design, which is also the goal of the design, through the space impact and change of people's behavior, to create a better life.
室内面积:225平方米项目类型:商业空间设计总监:王言、任虹霏设计团队:梁梓俊、江亚平、张超、陈玮完成时间:2020Project Name: no skin Research InstituteProject unit: noer skin Management Co., Ltd
Indoor area: 225 square metersProject type: Business spaceDesign Director: Wang Yan, Ren HongfeiDesign team: Liang Zijun, Jiang Yaping, Zhang Chao, Chen Wei
Completion time: 2020
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Rank: 4
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