Peter Marino--顶级奢侈品店设计师
Peter Marino Architect是一家国际知名的室内设计工作室,由世界顶级设计师之一兼创始人Peter Marino成立于1978年,总部设于纽约,在费城和南安普敦设有办事处。
Peter Marino Architect is aninternationally renowned interior design studio, established in 1978 by PeterMarino, one of the world's top designers and founder, with its headquarters inNew York and offices in Philadelphia and Southampton.
Peter Marino出生于1949年,1971年毕业于美国顶级学府康奈尔大学并取得建筑艺术和规划学院的学位。如今古稀之年的Peter Marino曾获奖无数,包括22项来自美国建筑师协会的建筑设计卓越奖。他曾于2012年被授予法国文化部颁发的艺术与文学骑士勋章,以表彰他对法国艺术的重大贡献。2017年,他被任命为法国艺术和文学的理事长。
Peter Marino was born in 1949 andgraduated from Cornell University in 1971 with a degree from the school ofarchitecture, art and planning. Now in his 70s, Peter Marino has won numerousawards, including 22 from the American institute of architects forarchitectural excellence. In 2012, he was awarded the order of the arts andletters by the French ministry of culture in recognition of his significantcontributions to French art. In 2017, he was appointed director-general ofFrench arts and literature.
Peter Marino以艺术融入建筑设计而闻名,为时尚界和艺术界最具标志性的品牌设计。他的设计通常以强调材料、纹理、光比例和室内外的不断对话为特点,通过对建筑和室内设计的同等重视,Peter Marino重新定义了现代奢侈品的意义。
Peter Marino is known for incorporatingart into architecture, designing for some of the most iconic brands in thefashion and art world. His designs are often characterized by an emphasis onmaterials, textures, light proportions and constant dialogue between interiorand exterior. By placing equal emphasis on architecture and interior design,Peter Marino has redefined the meaning of modern luxury.
Peter Marino是一个不寻常的高端时尚人物,在很多方面都与众不同。他完成了多个重要建筑项目,建筑痕迹布满了全球各地。回顾Peter Marino的职业生涯,他始于为斯基德摩尔、奥文斯与乔治•纳尔逊和贝聿铭工作。1985年,纽约巴尼斯百货公司聘请他设计位于东京银座的Chanel女装概念店,之后又为他们设计了多家时尚品牌概念店,如Calvin Klein、Donna Karan、Giorgio Armani、Fendi、Dior、Louis Vuitton等。
Peter Marino is an unusual high-endfashion figure who stands out in many ways. He completed a number of importantarchitectural projects, architectural traces throughout the world. Looking backon Peter Marino's career, he began working for skidmore, owings and Georgenelson, and i.m. pei. In 1985, barneys department store in New York hired himto design the Chanel women's fashion concept store in ginza, Tokyo, and laterdesigned a number of fashion brand concept stores for them, such as CalvinKlein, Donna Karan, Giorgio Armani, Fendi, Dior, Louis Vuitton, etc.
Peter Marino外观的背后,是一位鉴赏家,他为一群雄心勃勃的客户精心打造的室内设计,使他成为设计界无可争议的王者。——美国著名导演Matt Tyrnauer这样评价他。2004年,《纽约时报》报道了Peter Marino在很大程度上证明了建筑设计可以成为购物者对品牌的认同的重要组成部分这一理论。
Behind the exterior, Peter Marino is a connoisseurwhose carefully crafted interiors for a group of ambitious clients have madehim the undisputed king of design. "-- Matt Tyrnauer In 2004, the New Yorktimes reported that Peter Marino largely demonstrated the theory thatarchitectural design can be an important part of a shopper's brand identity.
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