启呈装饰 发表于 2020-4-24 16:58:01


Name | 作品名称:BLACK IN WHITE | 温度Location | 项目地点:Guangzhou, China | 中国广州Area | 项目面积:450㎡Interior Design | 主案设计:Li Zhongguang | 李忠光Interior Design | 室内设计:CHASING DESIGN | 启呈设计Soft Decoration | 软装设计:CHASING DESIGN | 启呈设计Construction Unit | 施工单位:CHASING DECORATION | 广东启呈装饰工程有限公司

Mr. Li Zhongguang was invited to design German System Household ROLESS·Guangzhou Flag Store.

这是一个有“温度”的设计!本案总体色调较深,这时候灯光很容易就成了主角儿,而这静谧色彩中的光亮很容易让人联想到一个词——“温度”于是乎以【温度】来命名本案再合适不过了。This is a case with "warm and light".The lights in darkish color are easily becoming the highlights, and the light is easily associated with a word "cozy" which is the most proper name for this case.

▲客厅【温度】既有欧式风格的仪式感和庄重,又有法式风情的浪漫格调。本案公共区域的用色都非常的大胆多样,意在给客户展现更多的可能性。COZY HOUSE is not only majestic and ritual resemble classical European style, but also be full filled of French romance.The color of the public area is very bold and diverse, and it aims to show more possibilities to the customers.


▲餐厅客餐厅区域使用了大量的灰色,这种灰仿佛有着与生俱来的魔力,它柔和而舒缓、宁静而内敛,搭配上灯饰和绿植就能轻松营造出时尚感与生活质感。It is used lots of grey in living room and dinning room, which seems to have inherent magic to make people feel comfortable and soothing, peace and restrained. The designer decorates these areas with lights and green plants, which can easily make the house become fashionable and substantial.

▲书房设计师大胆地在书房区域运用了少量的爱马仕橙、以新的形态冲击视觉认知。这种高饱和度的颜色,更加能够将人们的注意力拉倒一个点上来,增加一个家庭环境的层次感。It is used a little Hermes orange in the study room,which impacts visual perception in a new form. This high saturated color can make people focus on a point and add spatial Layering for the house.

▲过道现在很多人觉得所谓的“美”是越大越美,越奢越美,越多越美,事实上那是感官上的刺激,是商业语言,不是设计。 所以我们不能把感官的刺激当作美,把所谓“时尚”当作设计。而作为设计师,是有责任去提醒你的客户未来的生活是什么样子的。Now many people think that the so-called "beauty" is bigger, more luxurious and more multiple. But in fact, it is more sensory stimulation or “a commercial language” than design. Therefore, we can not regard sensory stimulation as beauty, and so-called "fashion" as design. As a designer, it is the duty to remind your clients what life will be in the future.

刘柯含 发表于 2020-5-20 10:39:29


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