倪森钊 发表于 2020-4-1 20:57:24

苏州几何空间设计 - 临湖独栋别墅650㎡

项目地位于临湖,风景优美,环境极佳。定位与自然的衔接,实现与环境完美融合,与周围绿意盎然环境进行一场生态的对话。The project is located near the lake, with beautiful scenery and excellent environment. It aims to connect with nature, realize perfect integration with environment, and conduct an ecological dialogue with surrounding green environment.我们希望空间是灵活的,开敞的。空间之间会有一些有趣的互动。We want space to be flexible and open. There will be some interesting interactions between spaces.空间形成后,能够带动家人之间的互动,增进家人之间的情感交流。After the space is formed, it can promote the interaction between family members and enhance the emotional communication between family members.不用给予空间过多的装饰手法,空间内该有的光、水、空气、关系、线条、色调以及空间格局的框架统筹好,就是从设计端给予它修辞方式。There is no need to give more space decoration techniques. The frame of light, water, air, relationship, line, color and spatial pattern in the space should be well coordinated, that is to give it rhetoric from the design end.

本案在动线表达中,通过回型环绕式动线做到空间的开闭合。In the moving line expression of this case, the space is opened and closed through the back moving line.规划好主要动线和辅助动线,主要动线使用过程中,辅助动线可以独立使用。Plan the main moving line and auxiliary moving line, and the auxiliary moving line can be used independently during the use of the main moving line.

▲客厅Living room沙发Minotti 茶几Minotti 地毯Minotti 单椅Minotti 灯具Artemide 台灯oluce/ Lutz
一层空间,摈弃了常规的垭口设计,让整个空间完全通透一体化,客厅与餐厅开敞联合,大尺度玻璃落地窗,将室外景色引入室内,以自然美景做点缀。On the first floor, the conventional design of the pass is abandoned to make the whole space completely transparent and integrated. The living room and the dining room are open and United. Large-scale glass floor to ceiling windows introduce the outdoor scenery into the interior, with the natural beauty as the ornament.

餐厅空间,延续了客厅的整体氛围,通过点线面的构成关系,大尺度线条比例彰显空间的尺度与干练。The dining room space continues the overall atmosphere of the living room. Through the composition of points, lines and surfaces, large-scale line proportion highlights the scale and competence of the space.

▲餐厅Dining room餐桌Minotti 餐椅Minotti 边柜Minotti 台灯oluce/ Globe 落地灯Flos
The use of neat lines to emphasize the nature of materials, modeling without extra ink, and ultimately form a dialogue between materials and space.
柔和的地灯,增添空间的引入感。透过定制的线条屏风、隔而不断别具美感,形成视觉互动,独立成景,又移步异景。绿色发光奢石成为这个空间的视觉吸睛点。Soft ground lamp adds the sense of space introduction. Through the customized line screen, it is constantly unique in aesthetic feeling, forming visual interaction, independent into the scene, and moving easily. Green luminous extravagant stone becomes the visual attraction of this space.

玄关走廊、西厨、餐厅、设计了回型环绕式动线。佣人工作可通过辅助动线直达厨房或工作间。Porch corridor, western kitchen, dining room, designed circular moving line. Servants can work directly to the kitchen or work room through auxiliary power lines.

▲岛台Island Platform 餐厅、西厨、厨房,秩序连通,塑造了空间层次,使的西厨区采光、通风得到了最佳舒适感。Restaurants, Western kitchens and kitchens are connected in order, shaping the spatial level, making the lighting and ventilation of Western kitchens get the best comfort.

电器高柜和立面装饰通过定制同一种材质,彰显空间的统一性和简洁大气。The high electrical cabinet and wall decoration show the unity and simplicity of space by customizing the same material.

早餐台与长方形岛台多功能融合为一体,丰富的不仅是空间的功能性和趣味性,更是为了增加家人之间的互动和融洽。Breakfast table and rectangular island platform are integrated into one, which is not only rich in space functionality and fun, but also to increase the interaction and harmony between family members.
▲西厨Western kitchen餐椅rochebobois 一家人偶尔一起制作美食点心,约上三五好友在这里欢聚,好不惬意。The family occasionally make delicious snacks together. It's nice to have friends here.
▲梯厅Staircase hall
梯厅是重要的纵向通道,发光踏步包裹着电梯,立面造型设计内嵌扶手,隐藏灯带延伸至二楼,沿着灯光踏步拾级而上,到达二楼家庭聚合私密空间。The elevator hall is an important longitudinal channel. The illuminated steps wrap the elevator. The vertical modeling design is embedded with handrails. The hidden light belt extends to the second floor. The stairs rise up along the illuminated steps to the second floor family gathering private space.
▲梯厅Staircase hall玄关台:美国 kelly wearstler
简洁立面用色纯粹,使用天然大理石材质、内嵌踢脚线贯穿了整个三层梯厅空间,随之延伸至相连的每一处,制造了内部空间密切关联性。The simple facade is made of natural marble material and embedded skirting line, which runs through the whole three-story elevator hall space, and then extends to every connected place, creating a close relationship between the internal space.
追求居室空间的简略、摒弃不必要的“浮华”而大行其道。卧室采用2.7米超高极简门“一通到顶”,打造出所追求的极简主义。Pursuing the simplicity of living room space and abandoning unnecessary "flashiness" are popular. The bedroom adopts a 2.7-meter ultra-high minimalist door "all the way to the top" to create the minimalism pursued.
▲艺术装置Art device
艺术在空间中流动着无限的可能Art flows infinite possibilities in space.

二层家庭室,是一家人最为亲密的场所,在这里可以陪小孩一起弹琴,一起手工,一起喝茶谈天。The second floor family room is the most intimate place for the family. Here, you can play the piano with your children, make crafts together, drink tea and talk with them.
▲家庭室Family room沙发cassina 地毯CC-Tapis 茶几B&B Italia 单椅Cappellini 儿童凳子Pony Chair/ Eero Aarnio

意大利cassina沙发对望着相邻的Cappellini孔雀椅,仿佛在进行一场对话。CC-Tapis圆形地毯在温暖的米色调空间中形成色彩美学视觉。Italian Cassina sofa looks at the adjacent Cappellini peacock chair as if it is having a dialogue. CC Tapis circular carpet forms color aesthetic vision in Warm Beige tone space.

二层书房,打造成知识的海洋,整面墙的书柜设计,在木饰面与古铜色不锈钢及暗藏灯带的对比中,自成一道风景。The second floor study is an ocean of knowledge. The bookcase design of the whole wall is a landscape in the contrast of wood veneer, bronze stainless steel and concealed light belt.
▲书房tudy椅子rochebobois 灯具oluce
这里不只是看知识的海洋,更是可以陪伴小孩一起阅读的场所。设计师为家庭成员设计了超大尺寸的书桌,可以让兄弟姐妹们一起学习、交流、阅读。This is not only an ocean of knowledge, but also a place for children to read together. The designer designed a large desk for family members, which can let brothers and sisters learn, communicate and read together.

主卧室,精心打造了一间舒适的套房空间。整体空间采用沉稳棕木色调,走廊柜子设计导轨翻开门,可敞可闭,敞开既是茶水吧,同时柜体内部设置嵌入式冰箱。The master bedroom creates a comfortable suite space. The overall space adopts the stable brown wood color. The corridor cabinet is designed with the guide rail to open and close. The open is the tea bar, and the embedded refrigerator is set inside the cabinet.

主卧套间用穿透手法连接各区域,由沉稳棕木色调卧室向衣帽间深入,进而踏入极简黑白的卫浴间。The master bedroom suite is connected with each area by penetration technique, from the stable brown wood color bedroom to the cloakroom, and then enters the simple black and white bathroom.

折门设计,让室内与室外完整结合,通过大的折门框架来铸造一个窗景画框关系。Folding door design, let indoor and outdoor complete combination, through the large folding door frame to cast a window view frame relationship.
▲主卧室Master's room床Flexform 床头柜Porro 地毯Poliform 躺椅Alias 灯具 Brokis

阳光把室外的光线和植物影绰的身姿引入室内,在完全的自然光下,空间的属性更加接近于真实,简洁的雅致更觉宁静,让人内心安宁,你仿佛能够透过氛围的营造让居住者与空间情绪深度共鸣。The sunlight brings the outdoor light and the posture of the plant shadow into the interior. Under the complete natural light, the attribute of the space is more close to the reality, simple and elegant, more tranquil, and makes people feel peaceful. It seems that you can make the residents deeply resonate with the space emotion through the construction of the atmosphere.
▲衣帽间Cloak room坐凳Minotti 边几Poliform 衣帽间采用2.8米超高 “顶天立地” 平板柜门,透过玻璃柜门,随处可见的首饰陈列,在层板之间的灯光渲染,无处不彰显出业主的不凡品味。The cloakroom adopts a 2.8-meter-high "standing on the ground" flat cabinet door. Through the glass cabinet door, jewelry can be seen everywhere. The lighting between the layers shows the owner's extraordinary taste everywhere.

用穿透性手法设计,连接衣帽间卧室以及湖面美景。Use the penetrating design to connect the cloakroom bedroom and the lake.

主卫以极简黑白为基调,将块面处理手法贯穿其中,定制黑白图案马赛克与金属吊灯交替混合,灯光暗藏于马赛克两端,营造出空间的纵深感。The main guard takes the simple black and white as the keynote and runs through the block surface treatment. The customized black and white pattern mosaic and metal chandelier are mixed alternately, and the light is hidden at both ends of the mosaic to create the vertical depth of the space.

悬浮式设计台盆柜搭配可移动化妆镜以及侧面的置物架,实现设计与功能的统一。The suspended design basin cabinet is equipped with movable vanity mirror and side shelf to realize the unity of design and function.

▲主卫Master bathroom卫浴agape黑白材料的跳脱和碰撞,显得干练雅致。The jumping and collision of black and white materials are neat and elegant.

▲休闲露台Leisure terrace户外躺椅Minotti边几Minotti 露台折叠门设计营造与卧室开放互联,切面视觉让空间框架彰显趣味。在这里一本书、一杯咖啡、一曲轻柔的音乐,也许就是这个角落成就了喧嚣都市的一角静谧。The terrace folding door design creates an open interconnection with the bedroom, and the sectional vision makes the space frame show interest. Here a book, a cup of coffee, a soft music, maybe this corner has made a quiet corner of the noisy city.

Location|SU Zhou
项目面积| 650㎡
Project area   |650㎡
Chief designers |NS
Design time| July2019

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NSD倪森钊设计       随性而至,融合自然                  平面图PLAN▼

尼采酒店家具 发表于 2020-4-2 10:15:55


尼采酒店家具 发表于 2020-4-2 10:31:45


zhangqiao 发表于 2020-4-2 11:21:44

尼采酒店家具 发表于 2020-4-2 10:15
看这个不仅能提高我的审美,还能学习英语,一举两得啊。我能知道这个英语是机器翻译的还是人工翻译的吗? ...


倪森钊 发表于 2020-4-2 12:39:08

zhangqiao 发表于 2020-4-2 11:21


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陈楚彬 发表于 2020-4-15 10:11:12


陈楚彬 发表于 2020-4-15 10:11:52


陈楚彬 发表于 2020-4-27 18:17:15

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查看完整版本: 苏州几何空间设计 - 临湖独栋别墅650㎡