艺成空间设计 发表于 2020-3-3 13:58:25


「 藝 」

- 有光有温度更有感动-
A space with light temperature and moving

Project name / H·B主案设计/郑 成
Design director / CHENG ZHENG参与设计/艺 华Assistant designer / YIHUA摄影 / 初心
Photography / CHUXIN项目地址/苏州 昆山市 恒源紫云 Location/Suzhou Kunshan City 材质 /芒果瓷砖 、智睿照明、菲瑞大自然地板、菲林格尔MOFEIT(墨菲特) 、志邦橱柜
▼ 平面图,plan

「 成 」

一个人只拥有此生是不够的,你还应该拥有诗意的生活。而仪式感就像在原本如荒漠一般的生活绽放出的新芽,最后连成一片绿洲。追溯每一个客案的签约细节,我发现有一个共同点,就是我们的客人 生活都很有仪式感,爱造 不将就。
It is not enough for a person to have this life alone. He should also have a poetic world. The existence of the sense of ritual is to bloom a little bit of sprouts in the life like the desert, and finally become an oasis. Looking back at the details of the signing of each guest case, I found that one thing in common is that their lives are very ceremonial, and love will not be done.

本屋的主人公,小姐姐和小哥哥是开清吧的,在他们的柴米油盐酱醋茶的生活里,每一天都是 特别的存在,因为接触太多形形色色的人,他们对自我的要求就会更高;同样延续到他们的居家生活满满的都是仪式感;就像小姐姐说的只有仪式感,才能放大自己的情绪,让平淡的生活开出花来,从而变成充满感动的细水长流,所以我们只需要过好自己的小日子就足够了。
The protagonist, the younger sister and the younger brother of the house are open to the public. In the life of their rice, vinegar and vinegar tea, every day is a special existence. Because there are too many people in contact with them, they will have more demands on themselves. High; the same continues to their home life is full of ritual feeling; just like the young lady said that only the sense of ritual, can enlarge their emotions, let the plain life blossom, and become a moving stream of water, So you only need to live your own little days is enough.

I hope that all the deep feelings can be exchanged for the tenderness of the years. I hope that my dreams will be realized as soon as possible. We must do our best to make our home a center of life, in which all good things will be nurtured and cultivated; our loyalty, enthusiasm, and noble things throughout life will be carried forward.

一艺之成   当尽毕生之力

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查看完整版本: 居家需精致,生活不将就;我的北欧公寓新家!