沃纳迪家居 发表于 2020-2-26 11:10:31

FESCH Beijing--杂院住宅

该项目位于北京老城区的一个杂院。杂院在时代的变化中经历了反复的改造,居住密度逐渐增高,原有传统四合院中庭院与环绕着的居住空间之间的关系变成了封闭的房屋和仅作为连接房屋的公共通道。该项目着重于杂院里其中一户人家的改造设计,旨在重新定义居住空间与凌乱的杂院之间的关系,以及重塑原始四合院中的庭院与日常生活的关系。▼杂院中的住宅,the project is located in a “Zayuan” of an old town in Beijing ©锐景摄影

The project is located in a “Zayuan” of an old town in Beijing. “Zayuan” is evolved from a traditional Chinese architecture form called “Siheyuan”, with houses surrounding a central courtyard. The relationship between the central courtyard and the surrounding living spaces in “Siheyuan”, which is inherent in the country, has changed overtime due to repeated reconstructions and increasing living density and now functions only as a public passage connecting the closed dwellings. The project focused on the restoration of a single dwelling, rebuilding the relationships between the living space and the chaotic “Zayuan” environment, as well as reshaping the primitive relationships between the courtyard and living spaces.▼住宅入口(左)和轴测图(右),entrance view(left) and axon axonometric drawing (right) ©锐景摄影 + ©FESCH Beijing

改造在现存的东西向建筑中插入了由长条灰色砖墙包围的南北向庭院。建筑和庭院交错的部分使日常生活仿佛置身在庭院中。A south-north rectangular courtyard of gray brick wall was inserted between the existing houses on the east and west sides. The intersection between the courtyard and the house gives the living space a feeling of being in the courtyard.▼从室内望向由长条灰色砖墙包围的庭院,view to the rectangular courtyard enclosed by the gray brick walls ©锐景摄影
▼置身庭院的生活,life in the courtyard ©锐景摄影
▼主起居空间,main living area ©锐景摄影
洗手间,浴室和储物间被集中放置在了一个方盒子里,位于在建筑的剩余空间中。方盒子与其上方斜坡屋顶之间的空隙则作为卧室。卧室一侧的缝隙捕捉到了杂院的风景,营造了一个在安静的私密空间中“享受”杂乱的户外风景的独特体验。▼洗手间,浴室和储物间位于方盒子里,the restroom, bathroom and storage was condensed into a box ©锐景摄影

The restroom, bathroom and storage was condensed into a box placed in the remaining part of the architecture. The space between the box and the pitched roof above it serves as the bedroom. From a slit opening on one side of the bedroom one can see the “Zayuan” environment, creating an unexpected experience to “taste” the chaotic of the outside from a quite and private space.▼从二层俯瞰一层,overlook from the upper floor ©锐景摄影▼位于方盒子上方的卧室,the bedroom above the “box”©Daisuke Matsumoto▼拥有斜屋顶的卧室空间,the sleeping area covered by a pitched roof©Daisuke Matsumoto▼床铺一角,the bedroom ©锐景摄影住宅夜景,exterior view by night ©锐景摄影▼一层平面图,first floor plan ©FESCH Beijing▼二层平面图,second floor plan ©FESCH Beijing▼剖面图,section ©FESCH Beijing
项目名称:Zayuan Habitat
设计方:FESCH Beijing (飞思建筑设计(北京)有限公司)
项目设计 & 完成年份:2019
主创及设计团队:Daisuke Matsumoto(松本大辅), 朱天明
客户:Daisuke Matsumoto(松本大辅)

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