Project Name 项目名称: 菌王府菌汤火锅餐厅Project Location| 项目地址:城关区,当热路70号
Project Area|项目面积: 1200㎡
Design Company|设计公司: 成都震翅SINCE SPACE空间设计有限公司
Design Type|项目类型:精品餐厅
The change of current consumption trend and the rise of consumption capacity have brought the catering market into an era of barbaric growth. Various restaurant brands sprang up like bamboo shoots after a rainstorm
Too many brands, tastes and catering categories make our choice of which restaurant to eat particularly complex and changeable.
It seems that only a restaurant with enough memory and freshness can grasp our desire to consume.
At the same time, catering space is gradually transforming into social space and personal life label in emotional consumption demand.
Of course, what we can't miss most is the core position of food ingredients in catering taste experience.
Design is a problem-solving tool
How can we solve problems through design and what problems should we solve
1、 如何打造一个可以持续盈利的成功餐饮品牌
How to Build a Successful Food and Beverage Brand with Sustainable Profit
2、 如何破解餐饮市场复杂的竞争格局以及差异化经营的特色
How to Break the Complex Competition Pattern of Catering Market and the Characteristics of Differential Management
3、 如何打造餐饮品牌的产品溢价和品牌溢价
How to Create Product Premium and Brand Premium of Catering Brand
4、 如何解决当下消费市场和消费群体的消费习惯和社交需求、情感需求等等一些列的问题
How to solve the current consumer market and consumer groups'consumption habits, social needs, emotional needs and so on
To sum up, we are also faced with a differentiated brand and a boutique restaurant that can maximize the social and emotional needs of consumers.