阿失 发表于 2019-8-5 19:16:29



设计前言:一览无余的大开间如何更合理的划分功能区,如何让空间变得有层次感,是本案的重点。▼原始平面图,Building plan▼平面图,Floor plan▼实景图,View diagram▲玄关过道隔而不断。透过精致的装饰玻璃,隐约窥见客厅的侧颜,忍不住想进一步走近一窥全貌。灰色护墙将玄关的空间延伸,与地面拼花地砖互相呼应,在开阔的格局中巧妙显示出空间的秩序感和层次感。
The porches areconstantly separated. Through the delicate decorative glass, we can see theside face of the living room faintly. We can't help but want to get closer tothe panorama. The grey guard wall extends the space of the porch andcorresponds to the ground patchwork floor tiles. It skillfully displays thesense of order and hierarchy of space in the open pattern. ▲客厅 灰色的主沙发搭配桔红和墨绿色的单人沙发,让这个连接玄关和餐厅的“中央枢纽”成为最吸引人的所在。客厅的空间既独立,又和其他空间浑然一体,空间格局井然有序,散发出干净清雅气质,与人毫无距离之感。The gray main sofa in the living room, together with orange and darkgreen single sofa, makes this "central hub" connecting the porch anddining room the most attractive place. The living room space is not onlyindependent, but also integrated with other spaces. The spatial pattern isorderly, which emits a clean and elegant temperament and has no sense ofdistance from people.

▲餐厅餐厅延续了客厅干净利落的基调,黑色胡桃木餐桌像是低调的宣言,在以灰色为主调的空间里完美融入。屋内光线通透,视线开阔,与客厅,玄关形成“铁三角”的互动性,舒适轻快的氛围盈满其间,在有限的空间内构建起日常的诗性。The dining room,continues the clean tone of theliving room, and the black walnut table is like a low-key declaration,perfectly integrated into the gray-dominated space. The indoor light istransparent, the vision is open, and the interaction with the living room andthe porch forms the "iron triangle". The comfortable and livelyatmosphere fills the room and constructs the daily poetry in the limited space.▲主卧摒弃多余色彩,灰色墙面和白色柜体,卧室回到最简单的睡眠舒适性。延伸的阳台,将窗外的景色引入,这一片方寸之地成为休闲所在。高靠背的床头造型,如背景装饰完美融入了灰色墙面。而介于灰色和白色之间,深色的护墙引人注目,给素雅的空间增添了一抹绚丽的色彩。The master bedroom,abandons redundant colors, graywalls and white cabinets, and the bedroom returns to the simplest sleepcomfort. The extended balcony will introduce the scenery outside the window,and this square inch of land will become a place for leisure. High back-to-backbedside shape, such as background decoration, perfectly blends into the greywall. Between gray and white, the dark Wall attracts attention and adds abrilliant color to the elegant space.
▲男孩房蓝色是男孩子喜欢的符号,搭配原木色调的床,温暖不失静谧,正合男孩内心的格调。靠窗,利用凹陷的位置将阅读空间打造;偌大的窗户引入室外的风景,让抬眼便能看到大自然的美好。Boy's room,blue is a symbol boys like, with log color bed, warmand quiet, just in line with the boy's inner style. By the window, the readingspace is created by the hollow position; by introducing the large windows intothe outdoor scenery, you can see the beauty of nature. ▲女孩房粉色系的窗帘拉开新一天的光线,照亮温馨墙面,没有什么色调比粉色更适合这个房间,再看干净纯洁的本色床品,让不大的空间成为安放成长的场所,也成为女孩的心头好。
Girl's room, pink curtains open a new day'slight, illuminate the warm wall, there is no color more suitable for this roomthan pink, and then look at clean and pure natural bedding, so that small spacebecomes a place for growth, but also become a little girl's heart. END
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