比利时以其精致的美学而闻名,而Pieter Vanrenterghem长期以来则以微妙的层次感,精巧的内饰而闻名,他也秉承了这一美誉。 Belgium is renowned for its beautifully resolved aesthetics and Pieter Vanrenterghem, who has made a name for himself with subtly layered, pared-back interiors upholds this reputation.
Pieter Vanrenterghem是一位比利时的建筑设计师,同时也是安特卫普市的城市发展顾问。2015年Pieter毕业于安特卫普大学的建筑室内专业,并于2018年获得安特卫普大学城市设计与空间规划硕士学位,他的工作室不是为“漂亮的作品集”设计房子,而是为了让人们开心。 Pieter Vanrenterghem is a Belgian architectural designer and a Consulent Architect at Stad Antwerpen. Pieter graduated from the University of Antwerp with a degree in Architecture and Interior in 2015, and received a Master's degree in design and spatial planning from the University of Antwerp in 2018. His studio don’t design homes for a ‘nice portfolio’, but to make people happy.
Residence VV 为未来而生 VV住宅是为一对30多岁的年轻夫妇而设计的,位于比利时城市Kortrijk的边缘。他们要求一个温暖、简朴的家,为未来而生,为永恒而设计,Pieter和他的团队已在一个没有任何捷径的妥善解决的家中实现了这一目标。 Residence VV was undertaken for a young couple in their thirties, located on the edge of Belgian city Kortrijk. They requested a warm, simple home ready for the future, designed for longevity and Pieter and his team have achieved that, in a well-resolved home that takes no shortcuts on materials.
Pieter说他的设计风格很严谨。在VV住宅中,材料的使用为住宅提供了一种“人情味”,并使其摆脱了陈列室的感觉。在材料的触感上进行打磨,Pieter指定了石材和它的粗糙表面,以及厨房里的拉丝木材。在整个住宅中,设计师还交替使用了浅色和深色橡木,保持了朴实的色调。 Pieter describes his style as very strict. In Project VV, the use of materials offers the home a ‘sense of humanity’ and steers it away from feeling like a showroom. Honing in on the materials’ tactility, Pieter specified travertine with its brutal treated surface, together with brushed wood in the kitchen. Throughout the home the designer also alternated light and dark oak, keeping to an earthy palette.