sunshine111 发表于 2019-6-16 13:49:34

重庆灵想空--为繁忙都市人准备的健身场所 | 重庆PLUS健身房

灵想新作 | 重庆PLUS健身房

对于运动来说给与我们的第一映像永远是充满活力与生命。而希望、活力和生命最好的代言人就是那光。Forsports gives us the first image is always full of vitality and life.And hopethe best spokesperson, vitality and life is the light.

设计元素及灵感来源Designelements and inspiration
神说,要有光,由此才有昼夜分明God said,"Letthere be light, so that day and night can be distinguished."。

光 ,几乎象征了一切的圣洁、美好和希望,自然万物对光的憧憬更是与生俱来。光是美的,因为它的自然,就像阳光打在春叶上时那抹透明的鲜绿,就像当阳光洒向房间一角突然升起的安详;对光的运用也是种艺术,在这一点上没有人会比室内设计师更有资格探讨,他们在借助光的同时又赋予了光更多的可能。Light symbolizes almost all the holiness, beauty andhope, and all naturalthings are born with the longing for light. Light isbeautiful because it'snatural, like the transparent bright green when thesunshine hits the springleaves, like the serenity when the sunshine spreads tothe corner of the roomsuddenly rises; and light is also artistic. Nobody ismore qualified to discussit than interior designers. They borrow light, butthey give light morepossibilities.

入口通道区Theentrance channel area

PLUS健身房是一个拥有270㎡,同时有多个视野连通但又能让空间功能相互独立的全智能24h健身空间。PLUS gymnasium has 270 feet, which is an all-intelligent24-hour gymnasium withmultiple visual fields connected but independent.

设计师希望能采取一种新的设计态度————就是面对问题,就用创造艺术的方式来解决问题。希望透过光,能让空间可以被重塑。Designers hope to adopta new design attitude - that is, to face problems,there is art when there areproblems. Hope that through light, space can bereshaped.

光,被众多艺术家采纳并融入自己的作品中,传递其中蕴含的哲学与理念。在本次项目中,光成为空间中的最为重要的媒介,贯穿始末。设计师通过光描画空间,在使空间视野连通的同时又能让其对空间的使用相互独立互不干扰,营造出属于plus健身房的未来感。Light hasbeen added by many artists to their works to convey thephilosophy containedtherein. In this case, light has become an important mediumin space,throughout the whole process. Designers create a sense of futurebelonging toplus gymnasium by portraying space, making space vision connectedbut spaceindependent.

吧台休息区The bar lounge area.

从入口捕捉光线延续至室内,这是一条仪式感极强的走道,设计师没有设置前台,巧妙设置的自助轧机、极简的吧台休息区,使空间通透而不失私密性,也突出了24h自助健身的理念——自律。线条感十足的艺术灯具横横竖竖,映射在金属墙面上,光与影在这里交织。在健身房世界观中“运动”和“自律”密不可分,这种观念文化在当代极简美学语境中催生了新的灵感,并通过设计进行表达描述,从而真正让健身这件事变得惬意起来。Capturing light from the entrance to the interior is aritual walkway.Designers have not set up the front desk, skillfully set up theself-servicerolling mill, minimal bar rest area, which makes the spacepermeable withoutlosing privacy. It also highlights the concept of 24 hoursself-help fitness -self-discipline. Linear art lamps are horizontal andvertical, mapped on themetal wall, where light and shadow interweave. In theworld outlook ofgymnasium, "sport" and "self-discipline"are inseparable.This concept culture in the contemporary minimalist aestheticcontext gave birthto a new inspiration, and expressed through design, so as toreally make fitnessa pleasant thing.


训练区大面积高质感的材料和落地玻璃窗的设计,使室内变得通透明亮,颇具科技感的沉浸式设计和冷感的空间装潢,同时营造出具有高度视觉冲击及高能身体训练的未来城市健身训练场。空间灯光光影交错,墙面地面相互反射,使得空间充满科幻性。The large area of high-texturematerials and the design of floor glasswindows in the training area make theinterior transparent and bright. Theimmersive design and cold space decorationwith a scientific and technologicalsense make the future urban fitnesstraining ground with high visual impact andhigh-energy physical training. Thelight and shadow of the space are interlaced,and the walls and the groundreflect each other, which makes the space full ofdrama.

力量训练区Strength training area

冷色调线的条型灯光勾勒着每一处,使其成为一个整体,让整个空间得到了无限延伸。Cold tone line lighting outlines everyplace, so that the whole space hasbeen infinitely extended.

健身操房Setting-up exercise room

多功能房利用镜面的反射创造虚拟空间,矩形的灯光线条看似对空间进行了重组分割,利用镜像形成了空间延伸的视觉效果。Multifunctionalrooms use mirror reflection to createvirtual space. Rectangular light linesseem to reconstruct and segment thespace. After the mirror image, the extendedvision of the space is formed.

更衣区Changing area

为了使色调更统一又不失新意,更衣室采用高级灰加钢琴黑,镜面、水泥、棉麻、花卉进行碰撞,极致而富有力量的情怀,倡导炫酷、躁动产生的平静,摒弃喧闹,回归纯粹健身房场地的精神。In order to make the tonemore uniform and innovative, the dressing roomuses advanced grey and Pianoblack, mirror, cement, cotton and hemp, flowerscollision, extreme and powerfulfeelings, advocate calm caused by dazzling andrestlessness, abandon noise,return to the spirit of pure gym venue.


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查看完整版本: 重庆灵想空--为繁忙都市人准备的健身场所 | 重庆PLUS健身房