文致中和 发表于 2019-3-9 10:59:25

【首发】Ksenia Bravo设计--重建旧房子里的公寓

Moscow Apartment莫斯科公寓Ksenia Breivo在莫斯科市中心一栋20世纪初的建筑中彻底改造了这栋房子, 但保留了原有的庄园风格。因此,她保存了大理石壁炉、门窗和石膏装饰,并在无法复原的地方进行了复制。The one in charge of the reform was the interior designer Ksenia Breivo, who completely transformed the house but without losing the original manorial essence, in a building of the early twentieth century in the center of Moscow. Therefore, they conserved -and reproduced where it was not possible to recover- the marble fireplace, the doors and windows, the plaster moldings. Inside the Moscow apartment.
这间公寓的功能分布发生了巨大的变化,以前仅有70平方米的公寓是非常紧凑的,现在变成了一个带有客厅、餐厅和厨房的开放空间。为了在审美上统一,所有的环境都采用了同样的色调,以灰色为主导色,只是在一些纺织品中加入了一些颜色的对比,才打破了这种对立。各种深浅不一的灰色为室内增添了几分优雅和阳刚的气质,精心保存和修复过的天花板和装饰线条给人一种高贵的感觉。The distribution underwent a great transformation. The 70 square meters that the apartment has, previously very compartmentalized, are now an open space with living room, dining room and kitchen . To aesthetically unify all environments, the same chromatic pattern has been followed , with gray as the guiding thread , only broken by certain touches of color in some textiles that put counterpoint.
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