温州中嘉国际 · 装饰新作 | 【黑格】
【黑】是最纯净的色彩,它象征着黎明的到来黑色是深邃的.它是多变的.它可以是陪衬品,它没有自己的光芒,因为它要突出别样事物的光彩. 有了它,白色显得更白;有了它,光亮显得更光亮.它也可以独领风骚.当没有其他颜色需要踏着它的肩膀突出自己的时候,它可以独当一面,散发出自己的色彩,所以我赞美它.当别人发挥他们才能的时候,我可以当夜空,来陪衬他们的光芒;而在无人能支撑 大局时,我亦可以独树一帜.
is the purest color, it symbolizes the arrival of dawn. Black is deep. It is changeable. It can be a foil, it does not have its own light, because it wants to highlight the brilliance of other things. With it, white appears whiter; with it, light appears brighter. It can also lead the fashion. When there is no other color to stand on its shoulders, it can stand alone. On the one hand, it emits its own color, so I praise it. When others play their talents, I can be the night sky to foil their light; and when no one can support the overall situation, I can also be unique.
深邃的黑色.它稳如泰山,无论任何色彩的加入,它全都吸收.空间显得无比高格。让色彩在它面前放荡自己默默的当着绿叶。Deep black. It's as stable as Mount Tai. No matter what color it adds, it absorbs all. The space appears incomparably high. Give Way
黑色的木饰面勾勒出整个空间的骨架,剩余的白色块面会随着黑色的衬托对比显现出来。阳光穿透白色的纱帘把空间渲染的若隐若现,独树一帜的紫红色单椅给空间加以点缀,拉高了空间的格调也显得神秘浪漫!The black wood veneer outlines the skeleton of the whole space, and the remaining white blocks will appear in contrast with the black foil. The sunshine penetrates the white curtain to render the space faintly. The unique purple-red single chair embellishes the space and elevates the style of the space. It also appears mysterious and romantic.
餐厅、过厅、会客厅,围绕着白色石材实体墙,动线随之形成,穿透于几个厅之间,既有分隔又有融合。Restaurant, hall, meeting room, surrounded by white stone solid wall, the moving line formed, penetrating several halls, both segregated and integrated.
黑白灰冷酷的空间在阳光、电壁炉、绿植的烘托下显得格外温馨舒适。Restaurant, hall, meeting room, surrounded by white stone solid wall, the moving line formed, penetrating several halls, both segregated and integrated.
整面黑色的收纳柜块面感会比较强,但是会让人产生视觉压抑感,在设计过程中故意留出一组白色开放装饰柜,使得立面没那么深沉,同时增加了细节感。The whole black receipt cabinet will have a strong surface feel, but it will cause visual depression. In the design process, a group of white open decoration cabinets are deliberately set aside, which makes the facade less deep and adds a sense of detail.
我们致力于打造都市生活中的心灵之所,在繁忙生活中寻找生活美学的深层意义。We are committed to building the soul of urban life, in the busy life to find the deep meaning of life aesthetics.
很棒的作品谢谢分享 66666666666666666666666666 石材和木材搭配,很经典 黑和白很分明 不错不错:lol:lol:lol 支持达人室内设计网 支持达人室内设计网 喜欢这种酷酷的设计 支持室内达人网 干净很不错,冷酷 非常成熟的设计 画都挑得很不错 挺好看的 感谢达人网 画好漂亮