全文设计新工作室位于钱塘江北侧 毗邻西湖山脉,工作室在设计上赋予空间新的特性,以简洁质朴为核心设计理念,意在营造一种简洁、干净、纯粹,同时又不失轻松惬意的办公环境氛围。新办公室的设计抛开一切华而不实的装饰,保留建筑最本真的空间属性。工作室采用极简的设计手法阐释空间的美学涵义,去繁就简剔除一切多余的装饰元素,以黑白灰为主色调,运用大面积的素混凝土和木饰面,用最直白的设计语言营造办公场所的氛围。The new studio of QuanWen Design is located on the north side of Qiantang River, and is adjacent to the West Lake Mountains. In the design of the studio, we give a new dimension to space. With a simple design as the core design concept,we aim to create a simple, clean, pure and relaxed atmosphere of the office environment. We put aside all the slick decorations for the design of the new office, retaining the most authentic space properties of the building.In the new studio, we used minimalist design techniques to explain the aesthetic meaning of the space through eliminating all the extra decorative elements, using black, white and gray as the main color, using large areas of plain concrete and wood veneer and creating the atmosphere of the office with the most straightforward design language.▼入口,entrance
RESTING AREA进门原玄关区域调整成多功能水吧台。以黑色调划分区域空间,使用深色水磨石从地面延伸至墙面,形成一个L形的空间体态,黑色不锈钢包裹的吧台体块兼顾储藏与边桌功能,不锈钢特有的冷峻突显其现代感,两种不同材质穿插形成双L形体块围合界定整个入口区域空间。
The original entrance area the door is adjusted into a multi-function water bar. The area is divided by black tone, and the dark terrazzo is used to form an L-shaped space extending from the ground to the wall. The bar body wrapped by black stainless steel combines the functions of storage and side tables, and the unique coldness of stainless steel highlights its modernity. Two different materials are interspersed to form a double L-shaped block to define the entire entrance area.▼入口吧台,暗色基调,water bar at the entrance in dark tone
The fresh and bright atmosphere of the reception area is in sharp contrast with the dark water bar area. The beige walls and light terrazzo floors complement the refined texture of the furniture, and the hidden ceiling lights and the warm lighting of the downlights make the space even warmer. The wall-mounted HAY pylons are in perfect harmony with the reserved gas lines.▼明快的休息区和暗色吧台形成鲜明对比,bright reception area contracts with the dark bar area
DRAWING ROOM打通原有格局客厅与餐厅区域形成开阔的交流空间,作为工作室的核心连接着各个功能区域,希望打造敞亮明快的工作氛围。空间格调以稳重的中性灰为基调,墙面、顶面以及横梁刻意将混凝土材质外露,粗犷原始的肌理感与温暖柔和的原木板材,黑色金属家具在视觉上形成对比。We opened up the original pattern, which made the living room and restaurant area form a open space for communication. As the core of the studio, it connects various functional areas, and we hope to create a bright working atmosphere in this space. We deliberately expose the concrete material of the walls, tops and beams, and the tone of the space is based on the steady neutral gray. The rough and original texture is contrasted with the warm and soft logboard, and the black metal furniture is visually contrasted.▼ 会客厅一览,混凝土、水磨石和白色墙漆的搭配赋予空间质感,overall view of the drawing room, use of white terrazzo, white wall paint and concrete give meaning to the dimensions of the space
▼ 办公室外墙面用木地板延伸包裹承重墙,形成一个木制盒体,入口的隐形门保留盒子的整体性,the exterior wall of the office is a load-nearing wall wrapped by the extended wood floors, forming a wooden box. The invisible door at the entrance preserves the integrity of the box.
▼ 软木板方便随时进行头脑风暴 ,展示设计成果,记录有趣的创意想法,the softwood is convenient for brainstorming, showing design results and recording interesting creative ideas.
▼ 细部,内嵌式黄铜置物架来展示茶器与工艺品,details, in-line brass racks are used to display tea set and artware.
PERSONAL OFFICE顶挂双扇移门划分办公室和会议区,可自由闭合,使两个空间既相对独立,又互相连接,将原本通透的空间疏密有序地分割,虚实之间,形成丰富又连续的空间秩序。The top-mounted double-slidinng door divides the office and the conference area, and can be closed freely, so that the two spaces are relatively independent but connected to each other.▼ 私人办公室入口采用波纹滑动门,使空间更为丰富,corrugated sliding door is used to divide the personal office and the conference area, enrich the space sequence
▼波纹门细部,detail of the corrugated sliding door
We used the color of white and wood to create a simple and rustic atmosphere in the director’s office, and the floor folds into a wall and bay window. Both visual and functional effect are achieved. We use corrugated glass sliding doors as partitions, which weaken the independence of the rooms and ensure that the interior is well lit and private. The custom-made table and chair cabinets give the entire space a pleasant dimension, the coexistence of modern industrial sense and the beauty of the oriental nature. On the west side of the wall, there is a whole wooden bay window sill. The employees can make a cup of tea while at leisure, enjoy the warmth of the afternoon sun, and look out over the scenery of Qiantang River in the distance.▼私人办公室,以白色和木色为主,personal office in white and wooden palette
▼美国Blu Dot紫铜椅及置物架细部,details of the furniture in the office
PUBLIC OFFICE ROOM公共办公区同样延续整体简约质朴的风格,墙面大面积的白色使空间轻快明亮,办公桌上方做了弧形吊顶处理,黑色线条收边,暖色灯带使空间变得柔和且温暖,天花筒灯为工作台提供了充足的光线。整体包边的飘窗台将木地板材质从地面延伸到立面,丰富了空间的节奏感,缓解了传统办公空间的紧张氛围,增添了一丝生活气息。冬日午后暖阳洒进室内,一杯咖啡,一个靠枕,轻松的氛围立马抹去工作上的疲惫之感。木质搁物架用来展示书籍和材料,方便员工在设计时随手查阅。
The overall simple style is also adopted in the public office area. The large white area of the wall makes the space light and bright. We made a curved ceiling above the office desk, and the black lines and warm lights make the space soft and warm, and the light on the ceiling provides plenty of light for the workbench. The overall bay window sill extends the wooden floor material from the ground to the facade, enriching the rhythm of the space, alleviating the tension of traditional office space and adding a sense of vitality. In the winter afternoon, when the warm sunshine pours into the room, you can have a cup of coffee and a pillow, and the relaxed atmosphere will immediately wipe out your tired feeling of work.▼公共办公室,延续简约质朴的风格,public office in simple style
The washroom divides the office space into two parts and has its own function. The functions of the washroom are separated by dry and wet areas. The sliding door wrapped by the stainless steel and gray mirror used to extend the visual effect, and the opening and closing of the sliding door help organize and divide the freely and laterally moving space, making the whole space more flexible. The white bricks on the wall extend from the inside to the outside public space, breaking the division of the bathroom. The sink is stretched from the ground terrazzo, stretched from the plane to the facade, and cast into a sculptural shape.▼洗手间位于两个办公室中间,镜面推拉门延伸视觉效果,washroom between the two offices with mirrored sliding door to extend the visual effect
The round brass mirror above the counter is matched with a brass faucet and pylons. The top air-conditioning vent is wrapped with brass, and the embedded brass plate is integrated with the white gypsum ceiling, with the vents for central air conditioning embedded in like gems. The 1/4 arc internal fillet contains a light strip, and the warm light is mixed with the metallic luster of the brass and the wind pours out.▼洗手间,washroom
▼空间轴测示意 ,axon diagram
▼平面图 ,plan
▼室内剖面图,interior sections
Visual Design全文空间,是一个以空间设计为主要业务的设计团队,其设计风格具有强烈的建筑感,追求空间中的设计而非空间上的装饰,所以“more space ,less design”是全文空间的设计主旨。在品牌设计上,品牌标识由建筑最基础的几何搭建为骨架,组成了抽象的首字母“Q”,积木化的形态让“搭建”变得更为简单,与“more space, less design”的主旨环环相扣。在衍生应用中,品牌标识展现了其空间立体延展性上的有趣感,这也是全文空间一直在追寻的空间中的温度。QuanWen Space is a design team with interior space design as its main business. Its design style has a strong architectural sense, and it pursuits space design rather than space decoration. Therefore, “more space, less design” is the main design theme of QuanWen Space. As for the design of brand, the brand logo is constructed by the most basic geometry of the building, which constitutes the abstract initial “Q”. the form of building blocks makes “building” easier, which echoes the theme of “more space, less design”. In derivative applications, the brand identity reveals a sense of interest in the spatial three-dimensional extensibility, which is also the temperature in the space that QuanWen Space has been pursuing.▼视觉设计产品一览,product design
摄 影:邱日培 黄临海
竣工日期:2018 .7
主要材料:水磨石、黄铜、不锈钢、乳胶漆、木质 谢谢分享:lol:lol 平面图是用什么软件做的