
香港Max Lamb设计--Valextra精品店
沃纳迪家居  / 发表于 2018-10-26 10:40:44 |商业公装[严选]  / 店铺零售商店
世界上没有完全一模一样的两间Valextra精品店。经典的米兰风格和建筑美学是Valextra自1937年诞生以来的品牌精髓。多年来,Valextra与当代设计大师合作,在全球各地的精品店营造出变化万千的创意空间,生动呈现经典、优雅的Valextra臻品,以精致内敛的奢华作为品牌格调,不断引领美学探索与创意设计的全球风尚。继日本建筑大师隈研吾在年初重新设计米兰旗舰店,以及品牌在伦敦和成都新开幕的两家旗舰店后,Valextra再次聚焦亚洲,携手英国蜚声世界的设计师Max Lamb,在香港开启全新的Valextra精品天地。
Excellence, quality and elegance: three values typical of Made in Italy, which Valextra has been representing and exporting worldwide. Through its timeless, elegant creations, shown in boutiques designed by the world’s most respected talent, the brand made discreet and refined luxury its signature style, becoming a global ambassador for aesthetic research and creativity. After Kengo Kuma’s redesign of the Milanese boutique, and the new flagship stores in London and Chengdu, Valextra picked Hong Kong as its next Asian destination. The project was entrusted to British designer Max Lamb, one of the most critically acclaimed designers worldwide.
▼店面外观,external view of the boutique shop

Valextra创立80余年来,始终将传统与现代的巧妙融合视作核心愿景。追溯Valextra的意大利血统,Max Lamb将经典意式建筑风情引入Valextra香港海港城精品店,为传统的意大利建筑材料——威尼斯水磨石赋予新意,变化出独一无二的装饰纹样。经由设计师巧妙演绎的水磨石,优雅点缀店内的各个角落,从地面、墙壁,到宽大的柜台和陈列架,尽显意式魅力。水磨石是一种表面光滑、富有光泽的材料,嵌有形状万千的彩色小石块,营造出虚实相衬的氛围,琳琅满目的Valextra精品宛若“悬浮”其中,在时空交错中绽放隽永魅力。店内呈现出奇妙的光学视觉效果,让Valextra的缤纷色彩更加生动鲜活。Barrisol软膜吊顶嵌有隐形射灯,点亮店内空间,散发迷人的光晕;柔和灯光下,Valextra皮具精品如同一件件小巧的意式艺术杰作,凝聚了源自意大利的精湛工艺和品牌对品质矢志不渝的
Ever since the brand’s creation 80 years ago, the link between tradition and modernity has been one of the key elements of Valextra’s vision. To bring a sense of Italian architectural tradition to Hong Kong, Max Lamb decided to pay tribute to the company’s home country, with a new interpretation of a quintessentially Italian material such as the Venetian terrazzo, creating a bespoke pattern. The material features on every corner of the boutique, from floors and walls to the large counter and shelves, all created with the reinterpreted terrazzo. It’s a material with a smooth, luminous surface, dotted with small stones in different shapes and colours, which transports visitors to a new dimension that is both material and immaterial, where Valextra’s collections appear suspended between time and space. It’s an optical total look, whose pragmatism brings to life Valextra’s vivid colour palette. The Barrisol ceiling is equipped with invisible spotlights which illuminate the space giving it an unusual aura; below, the Valextra creations are displayed like small Made in Italy masterpieces, works of art created through the savoir faire and dedication to quality typical of the country.
▼店内一览,优雅的水磨石被运用自空间的各个角落,overall view of the shop, elegant Venetian terrazzo features on every corner of the boutique

Valextra色调明亮、质感柔软的标志性皮革,与纯色的精品店外立面相映成趣。Max Lamb擅用简约单一的材料,缔造创意无限的空间,他的这一标志性风格恰到好处地呼应了Valextra的美学精髓:纯粹、内敛的优雅,散发浓郁的米兰风情。
The bright hues and the soft texture of the brand’s signature leather punctuate the external walls of the boutique, in playful contrast with the solid aesthetic of the surroundings. Just as the British designer’s characteristic mono-material approach to create innovative space arrangement is a signature element of his oeuvre, Valextra’s products perfectly embody the discreet elegance so typical of the Milanese.
▼明亮的室内,简约材料缔造无限空间,simple materials create a infinite space with bright hues

The brand’s collections, shown like precious leather jewels, suitably embody Valextra’s mission to export its excellence beyond the Italian borders, constantly reinventing its offer while staying faithful to its values. Each Valextra boutique has a strong, unique identity, which exists within a system that is as eclectic as it is coherent, demonstrating the company’s constant wish to keep traditions alive while looking to the future.
▼简约的空间突显了皮具的精美,simple space enhances the precious leather products


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