三千服饰办公新址位于南京华辰大厦写字楼内,建筑面积约500平方米。空间原本为相邻两套公寓,业主将其连通,作为办公场所,同时兼做服装展示区与网络直播的演播室。The new office of 3000plus Apparel is located in Huachen Mansion, Nanjing, covering 500 square meters. Originally two adjacent apartments, it’s pulled through into a whole both for office and exhibition as well as webcast.▼空间概览,overview由于业主主业为服装设计及销售,服饰本身颜色及质感较为丰满,FANAF将空间定义为其“具有时尚肌理的背景”。墙面及地面采用质感涂料、成品混凝土板等,不做过多线条装饰,保留整面,打造体积感。Featured in fashion and sales, the client knows no bounds of color and texture, to which FANAF highlighted the space as a ‘fashion-textured background’. Comprised of haptic paint and finished precast concrete panels, the interfaces are devoid of lining to retain planar wholeness and volumetric sense.▼休闲展示区,leisure and exhibition area
▼墙面及地面不做过多线条装饰,打造体积感,the interfaces are devoid of lining to retain planar wholeness and volumetric sense
运用曲线造型,凸显不同材质、光感之间的对比与融合。同时将圆弧形内部设计为储藏、收纳及备货空间,提高使用效率。Thanks to the curved keynote, a spectrum of materials and lighting nuances are emphasized in contrast and blend in turns, meanwhile the inside’s taken advantage for storage to a highly utilization.▼洽谈区,communal area
办公空间灵活简洁,与展示空间相互交融。多功能桌面、隐藏走线及大容量储藏空间,保证桌面整洁。Flexibility and simplicity of the office area brings a fluid unison into the exhibition, especially with the multifunctional desktop, hidden lining and capacious storage that guarantees the orderliness.▼小厨房,kitchen
▼开放办公区,open office area
▼办公空间细部,detailed view
▼独立办公区,personal office
多场景布置,丰富办公空间的环境,也为业主主营业务,提供各种背景肌理的拍摄环境,让办公室变为时尚秀场。Distinctively developed, the varied scenarios both enrich the office in working experience and satisfies all backdrops for fashion photography, dressing up the office into a show field.▼展示空间,exhibition area
设计地面用磐多魔PANDOMO系统、实木地板等;墙面采用磐多魔PANDOMO白色墙面系统、成品仿夯土板、成品仿混凝土板、文化石等。For the flooring, it’s mainly PANDOMO system and solid wood while the walls PANDOMO white walling, rammed-earth- and concrete-like panels as well as well as artificial textured stones.▼家具和材料细部,furniture and material
项目地点: 南京华辰大厦
室内面积: 500平方米
设计团队: 反几建筑
设计周期: 2017年7月-10月
施工周期: 2018年1月-4月
后期摄影: ingallery
New Trend of Office Space for Three thousand office
Location: Huacheng Office Building, Nanjing, China
Net Area: 500 sqm
Design Firm: FANAF
Design Period: July – October 2017
Construction Period: January – April 2018
Proprietor:Nanjing three thousand clothing company
Material Companies :Nanjing Bangxi Construction Material Co.,Ltd.
Furniture Design: Jiang Su Meibang Gabriel Office Furniture Industry Co.,Ltd
Construction: Nanjing Jinling decoration
Photography : ingallery