IQOSA 人文精神与实用主义的融合
本帖最后由 内外 于 2018-7-31 13:51 编辑IQOSA是一家国际室内设计工作室,专门从事住宅和商业设施的室内设计项目的设计和专业制图,专注于豪华公寓和乡村别墅,现代化办公室和餐厅。
他们能够混合不同风格的设计,创造出文化精神与实用性的完美融合。 、、、、
IQOSA is an international interior designstudio that specializes in development and realization of interior designprojects both residential and commercial facilities, specifically luxuryapartments and country houses, modern offices and restaurants. We are capableof mixing different styles of design to create a perfect fusion of culturalspirit and practicality. Quality and attention to detail are themain criteria of our work. We take the individual approach towards everycustomer and heeds all requests and remarks in order to deliver the finaldesign that will exceed even the boldest expectations
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