Adele Bates
Adele Bates是一个多学科定制的设计工作室,位于南墨尔本,拥有广泛的住宅,酒店,零售和商业项目。每个项目都是独一无二的,鼓舞人心的,并且是审美敏感度和实用功能性的结合。对每个项目采取整体方法,从空间规划到最亲密的定制细节。
Adele Bates is a multidisciplinary custom design studio located in South Melbourne that has a wide range of residential, hotel, retail and commercial projects. Each project is unique, inspiring, and a combination of aesthetic sensitivity and practical functionality. Take a holistic approach to each project, from spatial planning to the most intimate custom details.
创始人Adele Bates拥有超过12年的经验,是澳大利亚设计研究院内设计团队中的活跃成员和理事会成员。作为公司的创意总监,她不断为团队,客户和协调顾问创造一个真正合作且平易近人的环境。
Founder Adele Bates has more than 12 years of experience and is an active member and board member of the design team within the Australian Design Institute. As the company’s creative director, she continues to create a truly collaborative and approachable environment for the team, clients and coordinators.
Adele Bates有着清冷优雅的气质,犹如她的设计风格,精致优雅,从小受到艺术的熏陶,对于色彩也有着敏锐的天赋,二者的结合让她的设计更加有格调。
Adele Bates has a cool and elegant temperament, just like her design style, exquisite elegance, childhood influence by art, and a keen talent for color. The combination of the two makes her design more stylish.
Adele Bates坚信每个项目不断得到灵感和独特的方式,确保它被充分考虑,精心设计和有目的地设计。创造高品质的设计与不过时的居住空间是她的目标。
Adele Bates believes that each project is continuously inspired and unique ways to ensure that it is fully considered, well-designed and purposefully designed. It is her goal to create high-quality designs and live-in spaces.
Adele Bates凭借广泛的个人兴趣和专业知识,为创意团队增加了多功能性和灵活性,为每个项目提供了全新的思维方式,以最大限度地激发灵感,成就和设计激情。Adele Bates设计的原则是质量,定制设计和永恒的本质。
With a wide range of personal interests and expertise, Adele Bates has added versatility and flexibility to creative teams, providing a new way of thinking for each project to maximize inspiration, achievement and passion for design. Adele Bates designed the principles of quality, custom design and timeless nature.
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