
文致中和  / 发表于 2018-3-26 11:00:47 |同行交流[开放]  / 大咖人物

      Chango&Co is based in brooklyn and founded in 2008,Work anywhere theirs services are needed by nice people with open minds. Their combine a heavy dose of personality with decades of experience to create unique & beautiful living spaces that make people smile.
      创始人Susana Simonpietri从小时候开始就有设计梦想,毕业于普拉特研究院,拥有室内设计与建筑硕士学位,不仅是一个灵巧的设计师,而且是一个文学专家。 Simonpietri在获得室内设计专长之前,获得了波多黎各大学的文学学士学位,其中包括在巴黎的索邦大学和英国华威大学的研究。
      Born of a recurring daydream Susana Simonpietri had since she was a child。 A graduate of the Pratt Institute with a Masters degree in Interior Design and Architecture, Susana is not only a dexterous designer, but also a literary maven. Before finding her niche in interior design, Simonpietri received a bachelor’s degree in comparative literature from the University of Puerto Rico, which included studies at La Sorbonne, Paris and the University of Warwick, England.
      尽管Simonpietri总是感受到她的父母(一位联邦法官和一位有成就的大学教授)推动更多的学术生涯,她在巴黎装饰了她的第一套公寓之后,她不能再忽视她一生的设计倾向。 Simonpietri向父亲承诺要找到一个提供硕士学位的室内设计课程,并迅速成为知名设计师。
      While Simonpietri always felt a push by her parents (a federal judge and an accomplished university professor) to pursue a more academic career, after she decorated her first apartment in Paris, she could no longer ignore her lifelong penchant for design. With a promise to her dad to find an interior design program that offered a Masters Degree, Simonpietri got on the fast track to becoming a renowned designer.
      Susana在住宅和酒店设计方面拥有超过15年的经验,通过每天的美丽行为创造美好的生活。她的丈夫Josh Kay在2011年加入这个行列,Josh将自己的音乐背景(从十几岁开始就经营唱片公司)用于管理日常业务。Josh喜欢说“他照顾Susana所有的方面以确保她能创造出更好的作品”,但事实上,这种无缝的合作可以让无限的创造力通过团队成员和所有的人去实现。
      Susana has over 15 years of experience in both residential and hospitality design, that of creating a beautiful life through the daily act of making beauty. Her husband Josh Kay joined the ranks in 2011, and Josh puts his music background (he’s been running record labels since he was a teenager) to good use in managing the daily operations of the business. Josh likes to say that he “takes care of everything that keeps Susana from being creative”, and Susana says “thank goodness for Josh!”… but in reality, it’s this seamless collaboration that allows for unlimited creativity to run through the office and everything they set off to do.
      Chango & Co. counts with a talented team of designers and architects working under the creative direction of Susana to make beautiful spaces come to life. Each project is spearheaded by a lead designer and a lead project architectural designer, to ensure excellent delivery and customer service.
      Chango&Co致力于寻求创造性的方法来促进环境的可持续性。目前将1%的总利润捐赠给慈善机构1% For the Planet。同时也致力于尽可能减少浪费,找到回收各种材料的创造性方法。这个星球对我们很重要,努力为后代保持美丽。
      Chango & Co are committed to finding creative ways to promote sustainability and mindfulness for the environment. They currently donate 1% of our total profits to 1% For the Planet, They are also committed to reducing our waste as much as possible, finding creative ways to recycle all kinds of materials.This planet is important to us, and we are dedicated to keeping it beautiful for future generations.









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