
Jouin Manku
文致中和  / 发表于 2018-3-26 10:34:13 |同行交流[开放]  / 大咖人物


      My main design philosophy is to break the boundaries of design creations, create a miracle, give the object a sense of touch, emphasize functionality, and create the power of avant-garde and traditional artisanal art. -Patrick Jouin
      位于巴黎的Patrick Jouin不仅被认为是法国最受好评的设计师之一,而且也是最为多才多艺的设计师之一,Patrick Jouin在建筑设计,室内设计,工业设计,工艺品,场景和街头家具领域都取得很大的成就。据估计,在巴黎的街道上每350米就能遇到一个Patrick Jouin设计,他为巴黎这座城市贡献了超过46,000个设计作品。Patrick Jouin的创造力在工业设计和装饰艺术中都有表现。他们在国际设计风格中占有特殊地位,他的创作成果已被列入永久性博物馆收藏品。
      Patrick Jouin in Paris is not only considered one of the most acclaimed designers in France, but also one of the most versatile designers. Patrick Jouin has made great achievements in architecture, interior design, industrial design, crafts, scenes and street furniture Big achievement It is estimated that Patrick Jouin meets every 350 meters on the streets of Paris and has contributed over 46,000 designs to the city of Paris. Patrick Jouin's creativity is reflected in both industrial design and decorative art. They occupy a special place in the international design style, and his achievements have been included in permanent museum collections.
      Patrick Jouin
      Patrick Jouin于1967年6月5日出生于法国南特市的卢沃尔州毛韦(Mauves-sur-Loire)村庄,他的母亲是护士,他的父亲是为各种机器制造机械零件的工匠。1992年从国立德黑兰工业大学毕业后,他先是跟随菲利普·斯塔克(Philippe Starck)在Thomson Multimedia公司工作,然后在菲利普·斯塔克事务所工作了五年。1998年,他在巴黎创立了自己的设计机构。他的第一个客户米其林三星级厨师Ducasse评价说:“Patrick拥有创造者中罕见的品质,对设计的有着强烈的好奇心和对细节的极致的追求。”
      Patrick Jouin was born on June 5, 1967 in the village of Mauves-sur-Loire in the state of Looe, in Nantes, France. His mother was a nurse and his father was a craftsman who made machine parts for a variety of machines. After graduating from National Tehran University of Technology in 1992, he first worked for Thomson Multimedia with Philippe Starck and then for five years at Philip Stark. In 1998, he founded his own design agency in Paris. Ducasse, his first client Michelin three-star chef, commented: "Patrick has a rare quality among creators and has a strong curiosity and an ultimate quest for detail."
      Jouin的职业生涯中另一个重要人物是加拿大训练有素的建筑师Sanjit Manku,也是他现在的事业伙伴。他们一起管理Jouin Manku工作室, Jouin还经营一家工业设计的独立公司Patrick Jouin ID。
      Another important figure in Jouin's career is Sanjit Manku, a Canadian-trained architect who is also his current career partner. Together they manage Jouin Manku Studio, and Jouin runs Patrick Jouin ID, an industrial design independent company.
      Sanjit Manku
      Sanjit Manku于1971年在肯尼亚内罗毕出生,1995年在加拿大渥太华毕业于卡尔顿大学建筑学院。在北美有多次工作经历,Manku于2001年加入了Jouin机构,并于2006年成为Patrick Jouin合作伙伴。
      Sanjit Manku was born in Nairobi, Kenya, in 1971 and graduated from the Carleton University School of Architecture in 1995 in Ottawa, Canada. Having worked in North America for many times, Manku joined Jouin in 2001 and became a Patrick Jouin partner in 2006.
      自2006年以来,Jouin Manku已经签署了许多著名的项目,因为他们的细节感和工业生产以及传统工艺的能力而闻名。Jouin的大部分作品都具有风格相似之处,线条通常是感性的。他追求纯洁,充满了意想不到的气息。ouin Manku每个项目都具有100%的特定于其背景和全面的设计。包括在物体,室内和建筑结构的边界上。他们的设计不仅包括室内建筑,还包括家具的每一个细节,包括椅子的重量和座垫的缝合。
      Since 2006, Jouin Manku has signed a number of prestigious projects, known for their detail and their ability to manufacture and traditional crafts. Most of Jouin's works have a similar style, the lines are usually sensual. His pursuit of purity, full of unexpected atmosphere. ouin Manku Each project has 100% specific to its background and comprehensive design. Included are the boundaries of objects, rooms and structures. Their design includes not only interior architecture, but also every detail of the furniture, including the weight of the chair and the sewing of the cushions.
      Patrick + Sanjit认为只有为这个项目创造的每一个细节和一个独特的体验,是实现独特设计最真实的形式。虽然每个项目都是自己的个人观念,但是将Patrick + Sanjit的理念结合在一起是他们的工作方法。构建没有先例的事物,在设计概念和技术创新上蓬勃发展。
      Patrick + Sanjit believes that every detail and unique experience created for this project is the most authentic form of unique design. Although each project is its own personal concept, it is their working method to combine the ideas of Patrick + Sanjit. Building an unprecedented paradigm thrives on design concepts and technological innovations.
      Patrick's design work combined with Sanjit's architectural background provides a wide range of experience. Technological challenges in technological innovation, technological experimentation, research and development of new materials, and expansion of application technologies not only make the work of the client a completely original but also advance the design possibilities. Their expertise lies in transforming what they imagine into reality, whether glass, wood veneer or stone.









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